Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Fair Housing Act Needs Enforcement in Rockland, Massachusetts

As the stimulus package fails to awaken accountability, The Fair Housing Act fails to be enforced at Rockland Place Apartments dba Spring Gate.

What Is Supposed to be Prohibited in the Rental of Housing?
No one may take any of the following actions based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status or handicap:
Refuse to rent or sell housing
Refuse to negotiate for housing
Make housing unavailable
Deny a dwelling
Set different terms, conditions or privileges for rental of a dwelling
Provide different housing services or facilities
Falsely deny that housing is available for inspection, sale, or rental
For profit, persuade owners to sell or rent (blockbusting) or
Deny anyone access to or membership in a facility or service related to the sale or rental of housing.

In addition, it is illegal for anyone to:
Threaten, coerce, intimidate or interfere with anyone exercising a fair housing right or assisting others who exercise that right
Advertise or make any statement that indicates a limitation or preference based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or handicap. This prohibition against discriminatory advertising applies to single-family and owner-occupied housing otherwise exempt from the Fair Housing Act.

Additional Protection if You Have a Disability
If you or someone associated with you:
Have a physical or mental disability (including hearing, mobility and visual impairments, chronic alcoholism, chronic mental illness, AIDS, AIDS Related Complex and mental retardation) that substantially limits one or more major life activities
Have a record of such a disability or are regarded as having such a disability your landlord may not: Refuse to let you make reasonable modifications to your dwelling or common use areas, at your expense, if necessary for the disabled person to use the housing.

Corporate landlords should not refuse to make reasonable accommodations in rules, policies, practices or services if necessary for the disabled person to use the housing. Example: A subsidized apartment complex manager with a 'peaceful enjoyment' policy must not allow other tenants and their guests to throw balls, rocks, fireworks, etc. at selective apartment windows of any rent payer with or without a disability; Management should take effective and immediate action to resolve the unfair, threatening, and harassing treatment of any tenant which would discourage their continued tenancy and interfere with the enjoyment of their rented unit. Also, tenants should NOT be REQUIRED to sign fraudulent and misdated documents to remain in their subsidized unit.
Another good example could be: An apartment complex that offers tenants ample, unassigned parking should honor this to ALL households whether or not they can afford to own, rent, or borrow a vehicle to assure each household can have access to their rented apartment.

However, housing need not be made available to a person who is a direct threat to the health or safety of others or who currently distributes and/or uses illegal drugs.

A Management and Occupancy Review of Spring Gate Apts. will be conducted. Last week residents at Rockland Place dba Spring Gate received notices to 'clear the decks' for the visit of John Collins, a MassHousing representative. The March 13, 2009 review allegedly included an inspection of the grounds, buildings, common areas, administrative policies and
procedures, etc.

If tenants had specific issues to bring to the attention of John Collins, it was necessary for tenants to notify the management office of this prior to the inspection. (Of course, tenants realize they could suffer retaliation for bringing up specific issues.)