Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Less Power to the People?

On August 17, 2011, Barney Frank wrote the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board to request an extended public comment period regarding the proposed purchase of ING Direct by Capitol One.  This purchase would create the 5th largest bank in the United States. What type of impact do you think this purchase would have on consumers, communities, and the economy in general? Write to let them know your thoughts and concerns.
The Honorable Barney Frank, MA, Ranking Member
United States House of Representatives
Committee on Financial Services
Washington, DC 20515
The Honorable Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman
Federal Reserve Board
20th and Constitution Ave. N.W.
Washington, DC 20551

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Same Old Song

So much for the atmosphere at this 204-unit subsidized, multifamily housing complex.  Living here can feel like your under the thumb of public and private drug cartel.  Rockland Place dba SpringGate Apartments  is often thought of as the gateway to hell.  Not much has changed with all the millions of dollars in state and federal grants, except new siding, gas conversion, and more corporate partners known for committing HUD fraud.
     Partners in crime have joined forces in the profitable facade of helping those in poverty as they aid illegal activities.  Management says 'no dogs and no drug dealers allowed', but it depends on who you are and who you know, as to whether or not any of the rules apply.  Use and sell enough drugs, and you could even be late with your rent.  Assault your neighbors; just don't mention the fraud going on. You could even live in these apartments on someone else's lease for free. Unethical corporate partners are always in breach of lease agreements while rents keep going up.
     It's a noisy, chaotic, and dysfunctional place to have to live.  However, if you're desperate enough, you can move up quickly on the waiting list and receive a Management Special. Simply mention you know one of the favored, yet non-compliant households by name.  It's the same old song ... with more and more funding, for the favorite cons.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Property Inspections for HUD

Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments will be getting a REAC inspection by the lowest bidding contractor, Inspectors Servicing America Inc.  Hopefully, there will be no conflicts of interest so that property management will finally get those handicapped units and the appropriate resident list in honest compliance with HUD regulations and fair housing laws.   
    This outside contractor will be inspecting several other subsidized properties for HUD.  As of today's date, residents on Martha Drive and Hannah Way haven't been notified by owners or management of the upcoming REAC property inspection for Rockland Place.  It is scheduled for Wednesday, August 17, 2011.   

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Affordable Housing Not So Affordable

Along Martha Drive and Hannah Way, Rockland, Massachusetts, most residents pay 30-40% of their income to the HUD-financed landlord, to then be habitually denied peace, privacy, and security in resting, sleeping, reading, writing, etc.  Do American citizens really want more of these affordable multifamily housing complexes created where innocent, vulnerable residents are clustered amongst people who deal drugs, have criminal records, and/or who violate them?  How affordable is it to the health of a person with disabilities?
   Enriched corporate landlords and partners are so powerfully and politically connected that they're not even required to comply with lease agreements and laws. In several ways, the rights of vulnerable U.S. citizens are often violated in this type of multifamily housing.  Being treated with dignity and respect is extremely unusual in this demoralized living environment where corporate property managers contribute to the illegal chaos.
 A Special Weekend Report . . . or  . . . A Hamilton Alert
in Support of Security Cameras 
      A loud fight, involving a group of people, took place behind the buildings of 93 and 141 Martha Drive.  Isn't that where the Rockland Self-Storage facility is listed?
     The sewer cover in the middle of Martha Drive, where drug traffic frequently travels, was removed by vandals.  It was noticed missing around 3:00 a.m.  The Rockland Highway Dept. and Spring Gate Apt. maintenance were notified.
   Also this weekend, several vehicles each had two tires slashed at Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments.   Two vehicles were in the guest parking area while the other two vehicles were parked along Martha Drive.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


     HUD-financed housing complexes, such as Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apts., aren't really required to be in full compliance of laws, rules, and regulations. Take the non-compliance of the handicapped units for example. It appears Rockland Housing Authority, DHCDMassHousing, and the Rockland Board of Health don't want to make waves with some powerful corporate landlords.
     Who are all the individuals behind each of the Limited Liability Partnerships, Limited Partnerships,
LLC's and Corporations at Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apts.?  For a number of reasons, this information is vital to American consumers who really need to have the right to know.  How many ethical and unethical individuals, behind these ever-changing company names, have access to tenants' personal information, lives, and futures?  For purposes of self-protection and freedom of choice, all Americans need to have access to each individual name behind every corporate and partnership name.  This information should be readily available prior to doing business with any corporation.
     Some HUD-subsidized corporate landlords habitually put their best foot forward with attempts to discredit, retaliate, and/or harass vulnerable tenants who speak out against violations.  They pretend to provide safe, decent, affordable housing while dimming the lights and providing shared units for dealers, perverts, and felons.  It's no wonder they haven't kept their promise to install security cameras!  There's more than 'housing' going on along Martha Drive and Hannah Way.

     Administration STILL Bankrolling ACORN
ACORN employees have been nailed time and time again for fraudulently registering voters (including Mickey Mouse and the Dallas Cowboys football team) — allegedly for the purpose of sweeping Democrats into office. They were caught on tape advising undercover reporters on how to evade tax, immigration, and child prostitution laws. They were unceremoniously kicked off a U.S. Census Bureau program as a result of a Judicial Watch investigation. And ultimately, the organization was officially cut off from federal funds by Congress and President Obama.  So why is ACORN still receiving taxpayer dollars in defiance of the funding ban?
   Judicial Watch investigators recently discovered that the Obama Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has issued a $79,819 grant to the Affordable Housing Centers of America (AHCOA) — an offshoot of ACORN — in apparent violation of the ACORN funding ban passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama in 2009. Moreover, this grant was provided to the organization less than a year after ACORN/ACHOA was criticized by HUD’s inspector general in two separate investigations for misappropriating funds from federal grants.

    Monday, August 1, 2011


    What do three property management companies at Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments have in common besides investments and mismanagement of HUD-financed properties?   Abrams Management, Cornerstone Corp., and First Hartford Realty Corp. (FHRC) are presently all clients of Parsec Systems Inc.