Thursday, September 29, 2011

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

Management of Rockland Place dba SpringGate Apartments posted a notice today regarding another inspection of apartments and buildings, scheduled for October 3 and Oct. 5, 2011.  Not surprisingly, one of the specific company names mentioned in the notice, Fire Alarm Systems, Inc., can not be found under Massachusetts corporate filings or even under filings for public corporate records.  This website on Spectrum Enterprises was found
      Did you know that State agencies may allow owners to reconstruct records when the situation warrants, consider incomplete or imperfect documentation, and accept credible oral testimony to determine the owner/taxpayer’s overall compliance with the requirements of IRC §42?  Hopefully, tenants have nothing better to do with their day because no time of day for apartment inspections was provided. Management's notice warns all residents to be prepared on Monday for a visit from the auditors as units will be chosen at random.  Potluck anyone?  On Wednesday, residents should be prepared for fire alarm testing and inspection on the third floors of each building and for access to second floor apartments too.  Though it's important to have an impartial, no conflicts of interest inspection of this subsidized property, shouldn't the fire alarm system inspection be conducted prior to the one for LIHTC?
     With more than enough time provided to Management for these inspections, they've prepared to collect on their affordable housing meal tickets once again.  Staff has spiffied up their subsidized property as if their finest china were on display.  However, with doors suddenly repaired, railings painted, and carpets shampooed, etc., handicapped units remain in non-compliance of the Fair Housing Act.  It's too bad for vulnerable tenants and taxpayers that an audit to allegedly monitor Management's compliance with the LIHTC (Low-Income Housing Tax Credits) Program will, more than likely, fail to reveal abuse of power, harassments, drug dealers, and live-ins remaining on this property.

Some policies needing immediate attention from HUD and Management:
1.  Tenant Selection Plan - A formal written policy statement, developed by the owner and available to the public, that clearly states the procedures and criteria the owner will consistently apply in drawing applicants from the waiting list, screening for suitability for tenancy, implementing income targeting requirements, and offering housing assistance and/or assisted housing units.  The Tenant Selection Plan also includes policies applied to residents of the property such as how unit transfers are carried out.
2.  Unauthorized Occupant -  A person who, with the consent of a tenant, is staying in the unit, but is not listed on the lease documents or approved by the owner to dwell in the unit.  An owner must follow State or local law regarding an unauthorized occupant and establish an equitable and consistent policy and incorporate that policy into the house rules.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Millions in Affordable Housing

I don't know about you, but I'm getting tired of reading those typical affordable housing stories of subsidized apartment complexes needing millions of dollars to renovate due to the previous failing management company.  You know the story....  "The development was in danger of foreclosure if its financial and physical condition was not restored" MassHousing said in a press release.   The stories always mention drugs and crime in such places with false promises of cleaning up the crime and how much better the quality of life for low-income residents will be.  Uh-huh.
     The following article informs readers about the negligent property management company called Cornerstone Corporation. By the way,  MHFA or MassHousing previously selected Cornerstone Corporation as the 'SuperHero' management company for Clarendon Hill Towers, Rockland Place Apts., and several other housing complexes too. Since 2005, MassHousing went on another corporate partnership kick.  Can you guess the name of the newly-formed super hero Limited Liability Corporation that flew in to improve Clarendon Hill Towers and Rockland Place Apts. from 2005?  Criminal background checks anyone?*
       This Clarendon Hill Towers saga is similar to the one created for Rockland Place dba SpringGate Apts. in Rockland, Mass. that also received millions of dollars for renovations. The name of Linda Hamilton of First Hartford Realty Corp. is listed at both housing complexes too.  I guess we can only hope that around 2015, MassHousing comes up with a different story of hope for low-income tenants. The one of SuperHerosUnited LLC flying in to save our days and cleaning up crime within a couple of years is getting a bit stale. *


To date, state and federal agencies remain indifferent about Management's non-compliance with the Fair Housing Act, Laws, and HUD's rules and regulations.   The Housing Development should conform to requirements of local, state and federal laws, rules, requirements, ordinances, orders and codes, Federal Fair Housing Act and Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), as applicable. 
     Whether it be handicapped accessibility, the pet policy and Management's allowance of pitbulls, their unfair parking policy, and the harassment of tenants, Management consistently applies different standards and enforcements to different households.  Safety code violations still exist for some tenants since the government-funded renovations in 2005. Why does this corporate landlord, property manager, or representative refuse to sign the tenants' copy of lease amendments and numerous recertification documents? 
     If worrying about car vandalism on this property isn't enough, some resident vehicles that are in full compliance of Rockland Place LP's Parking Policy are still being unjustly towed from the housing complex.  There are currently vehicles with parking stickers that read "CORNERSTONE CORPORATION" while other stickers read, "SPRING GATE".  It would be helpful for management to offer only one type of parking sticker per household to avoid some of the confusion with their unfair parking policy.   
-  September 19th, late afternoon, a large crowd gathered outside of 92 Martha Drive over another loud dispute and disturbance.
 - Gunshots were heard on September 9th and 10th around 11:45pm, and September 16th around 9:30pm along Hannah Way and Martha Drive.  Description of a male was provided to Rockland Police. Police cruised the apartment complex, but found no one matching the reported description.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Invisible Rules are Useless Tools

     MassHousing representatives claim that when a housing complex (like Rockland Place or Spring Gate Apartments) is funded by HUD,  the corporate partners and property management are required to follow the rules contained in HUD Handbook 4350.3 REV-1.   Chapter II of this Handbook summarizes Federal non-discrimination  requirements and lays out for housing providers that receive federal funding from HUD, what they must do, should do, and can do when it comes to Fair Housing.  Fair housing requirements are also incorporated throughout the rest of the HUD Handbook which discusses all aspects of housing management.
        While this information might look impressive in print, it would be much more impressive if these rules, laws, and statutes were actually enforced.  Residents at Rockland Place have not been provided documentation of specific criteria for tenant selection at this poorly run housing complex.  Management's rules are inconsistently applied. This corporate landlord refuses to comply with Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 186, Section 21.  If you're a low-income tenant and would like a hard-copy of this HUD Handbook 4350.3 REV-1, perhaps HUD could provide you one with a written request. ?
       Executive Order 11063: Prohibits discrimination in the sale, leasing, rental or other disposition of properties and facilities owned or operated by the federal government with federal funds.
     Executive Order 12892: Federal agencies must affirmatively further fair housing in programs and activities, and the Secretary of HUD will be responsible for coordinating the effort.  *

Sunday, September 11, 2011

More Safe, Decent, Affordable Housing News

Jeremy R. Enochs, 33, of  93 Martha Drive, Rockland was arraigned Tuesday on four counts of rape of a child with force and two counts of assault and battery on a child under 14. He is due back in court for a probable cause hearing on September 27.  Bail has been set. Read more:
     This isn't the first alleged pervert at this government-subsidized, multifamily housing complex, Rockland Place dba SpringGate Apts It's such a safe and respectable place to live and be victimized!
Thought for the day: In remembrance of those who perished at the World Trade Center ten years ago today and those brave souls who came to their aid.  "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." ~Ambrose Redmoon