Friday, April 27, 2012


     Today, I discovered two different listings for Spring Gate Apts.  One is in Florida and the other is in Massachusetts.  The phone number for Spring Gate Apts. on 1500 Springate Drive in Panama City, FL is (850) 763-6938.
     The phone number listed for Spring Gate Apts. on Hannah Way and Martha Drive in Rockland, MA is (877) 844-3819.   According to a HUD document, the Spring Gate in Massachusetts is where the subsidized mortgage will mature thru 2021.
     What will become of Rockland's Spring Gate Apartments in just nine more years?  Will there be another DHCD or HUD billion dollar pot of gold waiting for new partners and corporate investors?  Will the owners and management still secretly provide unfair housing for low-income tenants?
     In 2021, perhaps 'Spring Gate' will change its name back to 'Rockland Place Apartments'.  Another alternative might be 'Connolly's Cornerstoned Condominiums'.  Maybe there will finally be genuine flowers planted at the 'Spring Gate' entrance sign by the time 2021 comes around.  Real flowers would smell a whole lot better than those airbrushed ones displayed in those deceptive Spring Gate Apartment advertisements.
     As 'Spring Gate' residents anticipate their usual annual "affordable unto perpetuity" rent increase for 2012, perhaps William Connolly, Neil Ellis, MassHousing, and HUD will finally provide them safe, decent housing.  I don't believe housing is safe or decent when substance abusers and child pornographers are allowed to frequent the subsidized, multifamily housing complex.  Do you?  Whatever happened to those promised security cameras?   Maybe they'll figure it out when the mortgage matures thru 2021.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Our Corporate Government

    It appears corporations are controlling our American government. Corruption becomes more apparent while living inside housing complexes like Rockland Place Apts. or Spring Gate, where corporate landlords go unpunished for repeatedly violating vulnerable citizens.
     State and Federal laws are meant to protect Americans.... But do they?  Corporations are manipulating courts and government agencies whether we like it or not.  Even when corporations are known for deceptive business practices and commit acts of fraud, our government continues doing business with them while using tax dollars from its citizens.
     As a resident of Rockland Place and Spring Gate Apts., you may be denied a trial at Brockton Housing Court.  More corporations are gaining control of our legal system through coerced mediation proceedings.  For very good reasons, this should never be allowed in the USA.  Companies and partnerships really do appear to have more rights and more power than individuals do in 2012.   Should our government be hiring outside contractors to do the work of public servants?  Please take time to explore the links listed below.
     The third link ties one of the limited partners of Rockland Place to various corporations and political campaign contributions.  However, Rockland Place dba Spring Gate has numerous investors, shareholders, and partners.  Though they say otherwise, this housing community is known for supporting various illegal activities.

    Sunday, April 1, 2012