Monday, December 23, 2013

Affordable Housing, Not So Affordable

Boston Capital is one of the largest owners of multifamily housing in multiple states throughout America. Those benefiting from the conglomerate business of multifamily housing may disagree, but based on news articles, years of personal experience, interviews, and eyewitness accounts of waste, abuse, and unlawful acts against human beings on subsidized multifamily properties, America desperately needs to find better alternatives to affordable housing. While Boston Capital and corporate partnerships expand property portfolios to further enrich and empower themselves with the increased development of mismanaged 'affordable' housing, tenants are often treated with contempt and further victimized by abusive and non-compliant landlords in places like Spring Gate Apartments, Rockland Place, Clarendon Hill Towers, and RoxSE Homes in Massachusetts.
       For some, it's demeaning to live in a place known as, 'The Drug Palace'.  Imagine having to reveal your identification card or license with a multifamily housing address on it, especially one with a bad reputation of housing addicts and criminals.   Do you think you would be treated in a fair and respectful manner?  You'd more likely be treated with distrust and possibly even contempt and belittlement. For children being raised in such places, the drunken and chaotic environment can create a hopeless, violent, and limited world where there's less chance to meet successful people as role models. Building large, mismanaged multifamily housing complexes adds to generations of hopeless people in poverty, suffering victimization, addiction, and disempowerment.  Multifamily housing developments can be compared to prison facilities; except there are innocent residents with unenforceable lease agreements being threatened and traumatized while paying rent.  Innocent Americans with low incomes should not have to be disrespected and violated for a place to call home.
      Are there better alternatives to obtain affordable housing in America instead of building more monstrous subsidized multifamily housing complexes where the imbalance of power is extreme and encourages corruption?   Perhaps more focus and improvements in Section 8 programs would be a better path to accountability with affordable housing?  More possibilities need to be considered and discussed with various groups of people, including law-abiding tenants who survive such places; because, as it stands, multifamily housing demoralizes. Housing programs that lead more people to self-empowerment and independence would be a great improvement over multifamily housing complexes.
      Large housing organizations and corporate partners often rub elbows with local, state, and federal politicians at expensive business and social gatherings while forming PAC funds to influence our Democrat and Republican lawmakers.  Laws get created and adjusted to further promote systematic imbalances in multifamily housing while individual American citizens, with little money, are further disempowered.
      If you've previously survived, or are in the midst of surviving multifamily housing, please send an email with your story.  Due to the likelihood of retaliation by your PAC contributing, corporate landlord, your name won't be published.