Monday, March 11, 2019

SMOC Rental Assistance Programs

Program Description/Services

SMOC: South Middlesex Opportunity Council Rental Assistance provides rental subsidies to income eligible families in 37 communities. Each month designated payments are made on behalf of tenants directly to their landlords. Rental assistance vouchers allow families to rent in the private market and apply a subsidy to their rent. With this assistance, residents are able to pay approximately 30-40 percent of their income toward rent, with SMOC RAP paying the remainder. Each rental unit is inspected annually for compliance to HUD quality standards and Department of Housing and Community Development requirements. When necessary, the program acts as mediator and liaison between tenants and landlords. Call (508) 620-2335 for more information.
Wondering why some residents at Spring Gate Apts. in Rockland, MA apply for fuel assistance when tenants don't need fuel assistance; all utilities, including fuel, are included in rent payments.  Please remember, there are Massachusetts residents who are truly in need for such a program, but when the program is misused and abused, people in genuine need suffer.

Do you have further questions about your type of housing in Massachusetts?  If so, read the Department of Housing and Community Development Administrative Plan here:   **

Saturday, March 9, 2019


I just read something interesting from Ben Carson's Facebook page and realize Dr. Ben Carson will NOT be leaving H.U.D.(So there's hope yet!)  You can FOLLOW him at the link to his Facebook page.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Corruption is a Difficult Fight

Dr. Ben Carson started with HIGH HOPES for the H.ousing U.nder D.rugs program. (The following article at the highlighted link is an interesting read.)


But now it looks like ethical Ben Carson may be stepping down from his position when his 4-years as Secretary ends. Can't really blame him; it's a corrupt housing program that is known to support corporations who deliberately violate fair housing laws and human rights of vulnerable tenants.  Truth be told, HUD is a gov't program that enriches some dirty corporations who pay some empowered people to look the other way when violations occur.  Sad to say the HUD website has been filled with deceptive statements about SAFE, DECENT, and FAIR HOUSING ever since Bill Clinton was President, and probably before then.