Saturday, December 28, 2019

Homelessness and HUD Vacancies

Take a look at the video of Hillside Estates (link is posted at bottom of article), taken at a vacant HUD subsidized housing complex in Florida during 2015, and ask yourself the following questions:

1. Why are there so many homeless citizens in one of the richest countries?

2. Under who's presidential administration did this fraud, waste, and abuse of HUD funds (our tax dollars), take place?

3. What are the names of the companies, the people, and developers who financially benefited from this project?

4. Who was the HUD Secretary at the time of this project?

5. Who was the chairperson of the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services at the time of this wasteful project?

6. Will those responsible for the 'mismanagement of funds' ever be fined and/or held accountable? If so, how?

7. What are the future plans for this vacant HUD housing complex?

Reporter Sharyl Attkisson, HUD Secretary Ben Carson, and President Trump were recently contacted with similar questions about this HUD subsidized housing project.  When we know more, we'll post an update.