Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Spreading the Image

Who was the black ass spreading her grown woman, hairy, butt cheeks in the common areas of the new and improved Spring Gate Apts. housing complex this past holy Sunday?  This threatening foul mouth couldn't even wait until night fall when she also exposed her breasts in front of innocent children who were clearly shocked and justifiably uncomfortable by her perverted act.  Since this isn't the first time she's done something like this in the common areas in front of resident children and visitors, shouldn't she be listed on the sex offender registry in Rockland, MA?   

            When will Boston Capital Tax Credit Corp., SMOCHUDWilliam M. Connolly, and Neil H. Ellis of First Hartford Corporation finally allow other residents to live in peace,  according to the occupancy agreements?  Your residents may be low income, but they still pay rent and deserve to live in a respectful and safe living environment. 

           Perhaps you can get around to viewing the footage from your security cameras and finally enforce your lease agreements at Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments?  This family and their guests habitually create a violent atmosphere and even threaten other tenants which has already been reported to your office staff.  They've been disrupting the neighborhood ever since they lived on Hannah Way and now on Martha Drive.  Hopefully, you can find them an apartment OUTSIDE of this subsidized housing complex.  I hear Clarendon Hill Towers in Somerville, MA accepts violent residents who even stab one another to death.