Sunday, January 3, 2021

Scandalous Housing

 Here's an interesting documentary by an investigative journalist. It touches on one major problem of corporate, and sometimes political, corruption that exists with subsidized housing. 


Here is a link to a recent news article about just one of the ways low-income residents at Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments in Rockland, MA are placed at risk by corporate property managers and their corporate affiliates. In this case, three companies were fined by the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.  Prosecutors said the actions of the three companies put the health of workers and tenants at risk. 

Funny there's no mention of William M. Connolly and Partners, LLC in the news article.  Tenants were told in 2008 that Mr. Connolly purchased the subsidized apartment complex from Cornerstone Corp., Boston Financial, and/or Abrams Mgmt., etc.  Perhaps they're all Partners with Boston Capital by now.

     "Under the settlement, First Hartford and its companies are required to pay $250,000 in civil penalties, $50,000 of which will be suspended pending compliance with terms of the judgment

      First Hartford is required to provide more asbestos training for staff members, provide asbestos inspection reports and maintenance records to the state Department of Environmental Protection, hire a licensed asbestos consultant and an asbestos abatement contractor to be available “on call” as needed and develop a plan to inspect and deal with any asbestos materials remaining in the apartments.

      TRC is required to pay $25,000 and Enviro-Safe is required to pay $10,000 in civil penalties for the asbestos violations under separate agreements. 

“Asbestos is a known human carcinogen and MassDEP’s asbestos regulations are designed to protect public health and the environment,” said Millie Garcia-Serrano, the Department of Environmental Protection’s Southeast Region director, in a statement. 

    The microscopic fibers of asbestos can cause lung problems and death. Asbestos was used in window caulk, insulation, plaster and taping compounds, floor and roofing tiles, siding and other housing materials until it was banned in the late 1970s."


And here is a news story regarding the same problem of asbestos in 2017.  It's no coincidence that the resident who reported this incident is no longer residing in this housing complex. 


This particular housing complex on Martha Drive and Hannah Way in Rockland, Mass., along with others they mismanage, have a long history of harassing vulnerable tenants who speak out.  Corporate management has even deliberately caused extreme distress to those with genuine medical disabilties until tenants end up surrendering their subsidized apartments to homelessness or death. They don't approve of tenants who simply request management abide by their lease agreements or those who question unfair housing practices or organized corruption schemes.