Friday, October 21, 2022

Horror Stories Due To Corporate Landlords

Here are only some of the horror stories of why it's best not to have to do  business with big corporate landlords, their affiliated companies, their LP and LLC partnerships.  They often have lobbyists who contribute campaign contributions and have government connections; therefore, they DO get away with violating residents' rights and breaching too many agreements.

 Laws need to be passed that allow American citizens to know who each individual is behind their numerous corporate names and partnerships. Too many corporate landlords abuse their power and take advantage of vulnerable residents in a number of ways.  They are known for targeting  outspoken residents and making their living situation even worse than it was before.  More on all of this later.






As you can see in the web pages above, these large corporate landlords are used to getting away with violating residents. 

 Wouldn't it be an improvement to know each individual person's name tied to each corporation and partnership?  This way, residents would be better able to protect themselves. We'd know whether or not to move into a particular community because who wants to have to waste all that time spent in court?  Most people prefer not doing business with abusive landlords who breach prospectus' and lease agreements.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022


Watch video about tenants across America running out of options for safe, decent, and affordable housing all across the USA.  And yes, for those who are asking, there is still plenty of discrimination and harassment going on at Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments along Martha Drive and Hannah Way in Rockland, Massachusetts.  Corporate management continues to discriminate against certain legitimate residents at that subsidized housing complex while allowing 'live-ins' and others to do as they please, even while violating others' quiet enjoyment & safety.


Thursday, May 5, 2022

America For $ale

Below is an excerpt and a link to the article and another to the video where you can hear what a politician says about the corporate lobbyists enriching corrupt politicians who are selling out America and The People.

The Corruption Runs Deep

Regarding the pay-to-play corruption exposed by Brooks and Massie, while the national media are aware of the issue, and both political parties are guilty of engaging in it, no one is bringing it to the forefront as a major public policy issue.27 Yet, the corruption runs so deep that, in the “Breaking Points” video above, it’s pointed out that even Brooks and Massie aren’t immune.

While Brooks has received money from REAL ESTATE INTERESTS and DEVELOPERS, and the military-industrial complex industry, Massie has personally invited lobbyists to fundraising events. “He’s playing the game himself here,” host Krystal Ball says, referring to Brooks. “He’s exposing the game in this regard, but in no way are his hands clean … They love to posture, but then they’re just as guilty of playing the same game as everybody else.”28

*    (Outside Video Link)  

**  Outside Link to Article

Why do bizarre business listings continue to be allowed within HUD subsidized housing, and always within nuisance subsidized apartment buildings?  Could some real estate developers and/or investors really be laundering money while violating residents' lease agreements?