Sunday, September 10, 2023

HUD Pumps $256 Million Into The Housing Market


 The Biden administration is likely rewarding their corporate campaign contributors with HUD funds.  It's all under the guise to improve neighborhoods and to make repairs for low-income residents.  Many corporate landlords hire their own companies for repairs and then jack up the prices so they can pocket too much of the HUD (taxpayer) funds. Many of these corporate landlords/investors even lobby Congress and help write housing tax credit laws that mostly benefit corporate investors.

     Notice private homeowners, who are living in bad conditions due to poverty and inflation, aren't rewarded any HUD funds to help with their necessary home repairs?  

     There ought to be a public website with specifics, including all corporate recipients with all receipts of improvements made, for each housing complex that is rewarded these HUD funds.  Better accountability to taxpayers would be appropriate to better avoid fraud, waste, and abuse of these funds.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Housing Conditions In Arizona +

1. Section 8: missing ceiling in Arizona

2. Phoenix, AZ: dangerous housing w/HOA *

3. Arizona: improved Section 8 housing *

4. Senior citizens and others living w/ sewerage overflow inside section 8 apartments *

5. Being poor in the world's richest country *

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