Wednesday, December 1, 2010

H.U.D.'s Unenforced Rules and Regulations

H.U.D.'s rules and regulations should NOT exclude several of the people currently living and working in subsidized multifamily housing. Complexes such as Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments in Rockland, Mass. have property manager(s) pretending to be blind-sided and ignorant to drug dealers, listed self-storage facilities, etc. HUD's rules and regulations should NOT exclude an unmarried maintenance man who lives with the mother of his girlfriend in subsidized housing; yet, unlisted on their occupancy agreement to further reduce their share of subsidized rent.  These behaviors cause an unfair and unnecessary cost to taxpayers!

When property managers and tenants lie about who resides in any household, it usually diminishes the assets of the entire household income.  Also, it becomes an unfair expense to legitimate tenants when cost of utilities is used as one of the excuses by corporate landlords to raise rents.  H.U.D.'s rules and regulations do NOT exclude tenants listed with the housing authorities neither.  Either H.U.D. needs to honestly eliminate these unsafe and fraudulent matters or H.U.D. needs to be investigated. 


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cover-up? The of Rockland Place Apts.

The reputation of Rockland Place Apartments didn't become negative until sometime in the mid eighties with the exposure of property negligence and drug trafficking. Rockland Place was on a steady decline. Eventually new management was brought in with promises of improvement, but residents were, once again, deceived. Now those reporting negligence and criminal activity were harassed, intimidated, and unjustly discredited. Gangs loitered on corners and worked well under the management of Cornerstone Corporation.

Following more letters of complaint, there were letters of poor response from government officials. It wasn't until then, that a website was developed. This website displayed photos of drugs and violence on this H.U.D. subsidized property. Numerous threats were published calling for the removal of that website. All threats were reported to Rockland Police and property management without resolution.

In 2005, new corporate partners declared the reputation of 'Rockland Place' had been destroyed by news articles, police reports, and by the publicity of that original website. They promised to clean up the crime with security cameras and a police substation on their subsidized property. While nuisance tenants and disruptive guests remained, the webmasters' were eliminated. Still, no security cameras or police substation. The only cleanup that took place were new appliances, paint, and cosmetic renovations -- Oh yes, word and name changes too.

There is constant confusion and conflict as to the official name of this H.U.D. subsidized housing complex. For example, Rockland Place has now become Spring Gate to rent payers.   And though the entrance sign has been changed to 'Spring Gate', H.U.D. and other officials continue to note it as 'Rockland Place'.
So, what has DBAing really done except to create a travesty of 'change'? Residents continue to see the same faces in management, maintenance, and corporate attorneys. Policies and procedures remain the same; deceptive. From advertisements to corporate partnership names, these new owners are wizards at words. It's my guess this grand illusion has enriched several partners associated with Rockland Place dba Spring Gate. The 'new' takeover of Rockland Place Apts. is more a cover-up than a clean-up.

* ASR Search Engine

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Are you...

*selling illegal drugs?
*a full-time employee, or any other person, who resides fraudulently in subsidized housing, while your name is NOT on any appropriate occupancy agreement?
*'annually' recertified at least twice a year when nothing has changed in your household?
*expected to sign management's misdated or fraudulent documents to remain in your subsidized unit?
*uncomfortably surviving in a non-compliant, handicapped unit while handicapped?
*denied an accessible parking space at your place of residence?
*a non-handicapped resident who resides in a tax-credited, handicapped apartment?
*curious about the non-existent security cameras and invisible police substation used by corporate landlords and H.U.D. to allegedly deter crime in subsidized housing?
*nervous to report crime and other violations in subsidized housing, due to the likelihood of retaliation?
If so, you might be living at the 'luxurious' Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments in Rockland, Massachusetts!
A newly discovered link:

Friday, October 8, 2010


This 'POOR' person sure wears a lot of gold! For years she lived illegally in America and in Boston public housing while Americans have gone homeless. It must be okay to break laws when you're well-connected.

*Clip #1

**Clip #2

***Clip #3

Sort of reminds me of what goes on at Rockland Place dba SpringGate Apartments. Management and tenants who violate others, break laws, and who are in non-compliance get rewarded while doing so.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


The First Hartford Corporation AND Rockland Place Apartments rental income increased approximately $1,847,000 as a result of the following:

During fiscal year 2010, the Company was required, as the managing general partner, pursuant to the applicable accounting guidance, to consolidate Clarendon Hill Somerville Limited Partnership, which acquired a 501 unit apartment complex on April 9, 2010. This resulted in approximately $434,000 of additional rental income during fiscal year 2010.
Rental income from THE APARTMENT COMPLEX IN ROCKLAND, MASSACHUSETTS increased approximately $247,000 during fiscal year 2010 as a result of improved occupancy and a rent increase. The importance of this increase in rental income is DISTORTED BY THE FACT that approximately 99.99% of these properties are owned by the non-controlling partners.

The Company ended the period with approximately $3,425,000 of unrestricted cash and cash equivalents. Unrestricted cash and cash equivalents includes approximately $2,496,000 belonging to less than wholly-owned consolidated partnerships (CP Associates $1,653,000, and Rockland Place LP $843,000). Funds received from CVS Pharmacy which are to be paid out in connection with CVS development projects amounted to approximately $2,672,000 and are included in restricted cash and cash equivalents.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Waters charged with ethics violations, OneUnited - Daily Business Update/The Boston Globe

Are special interests and political favors slowly destroying our country? Waters charged with ethics violations related to OneUnited - Daily Business Update - The Boston Globe
For very good reason, I've become quite interested in the unethical dealings of politicians and multifamily housing developers connected with HUD funds and Low-Income Housing Tax Credits....

H.H. BROOKINS was credited with launching the political careers of REP. MAXINE WATERS, D-Calif. , and former Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley . Later, he became bishop of the AME district that included Washington, where he befriended Mayor Marion Barry. His political connections helped him land several lucrative government contracts over the course of his career.
But while H.H. Brookins' influence could help his son circumnavigate Las Vegas politics, his connection to ROZET was a stumbling block with HUD officials who were leery of the possibility that Shepherd Hills might be in cahoots with ROZET, who's been accused of defrauding the government by collecting excess subsidies, and improperly pocketing millions of taxpayer dollars in a massive kickback and insurance scam.
"Our ROZET connection was a problem. Many (HUD officials) have it out for ROZET. I think they thought he would come back in through the back of the deal," Steven Brookins said.
When negotiations became difficult, Steven Brookins said, "I had my dad and Jesse (Jackson) go see them (HUD officials) ..."
At a meeting in Washington in December 1996, HUD officials, ROZET, the Brookins, Wasson and SEVERAL OTHERS cut a deal on the SIERRA NEVADA ARMS property. Click here to read more.

BRUCE ROZET, and AFFILIATES have also had vested interests in ROCKLAND PLACE APARTMENTS, Rockland, Massachusetts.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Who's Calling You?

Do you receive annoying phone calls? If so, search the number calling you. Use format xxx-xxx-xxxx, (replace x's with appropriate area code and phone number), then click on the gray rectangle.