Thursday, May 12, 2011

BB Jeebies

     Vandalism of vehicles and assaults continue at Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments in Rockland, Mass.  It's been reported that BBs were fired at a resident and broke a car windshield inside this tax-credited, subsidized housing complex.  Police were called over the incidents. 
     Property owners and management await another rent increase approval by the state housing finance agency named MassHousing from Massachusetts Housing and Finance Agency.  Would property management please explain their lack of compliance with occupancy agreements and HUD regulations for tenant selection, live-ins, and safety issues?  Drop an email.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Signed into Silence

You may see it; you may experience it; but you are forbidden to publicly speak of the inefficiencies, crime, waste, mismanagement, fraud, and abuse.  Though no such speech restriction is printed in the signed lease agreements at Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments., its not long before some residents realize their reality.  Spring Gate is a corporate-owned, HUD subsidized housing complex in Rockland, Mass. involving numerous investors affiliated with several partnerships, corporations, organizations, and politicians.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

DiMasi says kin could be homeless - The Boston Globe

DiMasi says kin could be homeless - The Boston Globe
    If Salvatore DiMasi, former speaker of the Massachusetts House, is found guilty of corruption charges, he may have to forfeit his condo at 220 Commercial Street, North End of Boston, to the federal government. If he and his family do happen to become homeless, they could probably apply for housing at one of the HUD subsidized housing complexes. I see Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments in Rockland, Mass. is advertising their MassHousing / HUD-financed apartments as 'luxurious living'. Perhaps Mr. DiMasi and his family could enjoy living near the invisible 'university' at Spring Gate Apts.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Financing of Crime in Housing

Unless property managers, owners, HUD, MassHousing, and DHCD are able and willing to run them safely, decently, and properly, please do NOT build or finance anymore subsidized housing complexes!  People who threaten others, and who commit crimes against others, especially violent ones, belong in prison facilities, and NOT living in housing complexes with innocent citizens.  While a resident at Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apts. in Rockland, Massachusetts, I can attest to the fact that agencies, owners, and managements aid much of the criminal behavior on such properties. And why do authorities place Level 3 sex offenders (those likely to offend again), inside elderly housing complexes such as Chestnut Glenn Apts. in Abington, Mass.? 
Suggested Reading Materials include:
     * Jennifer Mann. (2011, March 28). Local housing authorities run with little oversight. The Patriot Ledger,8. Retrieved April 13, 2011, from Massachusetts Newsstand. (Document ID: 2307334131).
     * Jennifer Mann. (2011, March 28). Keeping our seniors safe :Changes were made to cut crime in public housing buildings for seniors, but some say not enough was done. The Patriot Ledger,1. Retrieved April 13, 2011, from Massachusetts Newsstand. (Document ID: 2307334161).
     * Michele Morgan Bolton. (2010, February 11). Ex-Dedham official says firing was retaliation :Dedham; Elder head, chair had prior run-in. Boston Globe,p. GS.4. Retrieved April 13, 2011, from Massachusetts Newsstand. (Document ID: 1959953921).

Friday, April 8, 2011

TAP = Tyrants Assess the Poor?

Hopefully this program will also address the hoarding of live-ins and the hoarding of illegal drugs in 'affordable' housing complexes such as Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments.
You can register for these sessions at for TAP trainings offered by MassHousing.
What You Need To Know About Hoarding (Level 1)
STILL TIME TO REGISTER! 4/13/11, 8:45 - 4:00, Worcester
Legal Issues Related to Hoarding (Level 2*) 4/21/11, 8:45 - 1:00, Holyoke
Hoarding Case Roundtable (Level 3*) 5/10/11, 8:45 - 1:00, Chicopee
Hoarding Intervention: Assessment & Plan Development (Level 2*) 6/14/11, 8:45 – 1:00, Hyde Park
*Note:  Hoarding Basics Level 1: What You Need To Know About Hoarding or the equivalent is a prerequisite.
(Hoarding Basics Level 1, plus one Level 2 course are prerequisites for Level 3)     If you have questions, please contact Janeen Harris, 617-854-1069,  TAP, MassHousing's Tenant Assistance Program

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Subsidized Prostitution?

Strangely, when I used a search engine to search for news on Hannah Way, Rockland, a paragraph about prostitutes showed up.  Could this explain some of the supported 'live-in' activity at this morally-challenged, affordable housing complex in Rockland, Massachusetts? ---
Places For Prostitutes - Existenzgründung, Gründungszuschuss und ...
27 Mar 2001 ... Rockland Place   Hannah Way - Check Majestic Prostitutes: Athens, Eurydice Street, Sofka Zinovieff, Place, Sofka, Enjoy, …

Monday, March 21, 2011

Affordable Housing Makes A Difference

GOOD affordable housing makes a good difference to children, individuals, families, and communities.  However, BAD affordable housing makes a bad difference.  And nowadays, it appears as though bad affordable housing is on the rise.  Raising our children in affordable housing can probably best be compared to raising our children in a prison facility.
 What makes bad housing? One example is when Management is allowed to be in non-compliance of lease agreements, rules, and regulations, then supports and excuses those residents who do the same.
In too many instances, children in government-financed and privately-owned affordable housing witness drug deals and violence on a regular basis. This could lead to an increase in problematic behavior, development difficulties, dissociation, and post-traumatic stress disorders. How is this good for society?
The 'new and improved' Rockland Place playground has turned into an underage pub.  Drug deals continue to be witnessed in parking lots and hallways by visitors and residents on Hannah Way and Martha Drive in Rockland, Massachusetts.  Property managers pretend to be either oblivious or concerned.  Their safety concerns are shown only through typed text on distributed notices while they eagerly await another guaranteed rent increase approval by MassHousing or MHFA.

Despite repeated concerns for ongoing criminal activities and non-compliance on this tax-credited and subsidized property, owners have yet to install security cameras in each of their parking lots and along their single entrance near John Dunn Drive.   Management continues to rent to ex-cons and to households in violation of occupancy agreements, rules, and regulations. Management may as well say,  Oh, but of course you can keep your subsidized apartment when you've been arrested for attempting to break-in to another unit with knives! .... So what if you walk around the property with a gun or a bag of cocaine. .... And, when you slash someone with a sword, we'll just call you Mr. Slice and Dice!

So, most definitely, affordable housing makes a huge difference in a child's life. Children in affordable housing can hear and watch from bedroom windows, their fine upstanding role models stagger, fight, and deal drugs in courtyards, and maybe even see that it's okay to get arrested once in awhile. Children in affordable housing can, and have, awakened to the blood-curdling shrieks of bloodied and battered neighbors assaulting or assaulted with boulders, beer bottles, and baseball bats. Children who survive bad affordable housing can learn to feel hopeless and helpless, to shut up and shut down, to fall victim or to victimize.  They can learn that crime pays and money matters most, because human beings certainly don't.
    Affordable housing equals more tax credits and money for corporate affiliates to overprice unimportant renovations of new vinyl siding and dishwashers. It's a pay raise for wardens whose spoken words of concern contradict the typed text in notices:  There are worse places to live. .... It's better than being homeless. .... Move if you don't like it! .... Just cuz I caused another fire, you didn't have to call the fire dept.! ..... We're working on it. .....  We can do whatever we want. ..... Oh, and, .... As long as I don't see it.

Boston College, Lynch School of Education - MacArthur Foundation

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Leisure Travel Club Located in HUD Housing

Rockland Place doing business aSpring Gate Apartments can be found at Hannah Way and Martha Drive in Rockland, Mass. Thanks to a number of corporate partners and affiliates, it continues to do a booming business, even with low to average compliance and inspection scores by HUD and MHFA.
  Each of the 32 renovated buildings inside this apartment complex holds 5 to 6 units, totaling 204 units altogether. This Section 8 housing has an interesting mix of business listings with 1, 2, and 3 bedroom subsidized apartments.  (See archives  of other articles listing more businesses at this state and federal-financed multifamily housing complex.)

From a recent online Yellowbook listing, it appears Kevins Leisure Travel Club of 83 Hannah Way shares this subsidized housing complex with several low-income, elderly, and handicapped residents. Oh, and speaking of leisure travel, Spring Gate management sent around another warning notice that lug nuts are still being loosened on some of the residents' vehicles. Management advises you to check each of your 20 lug nuts each and every time before driving out of this affordable prison facility.  And, though you risk years of retaliation, please don't forget to keep telling the careless wardens at Spring Gate Apts. whenever you notice any suspicious criminal activity on their premises. They care for their tenants' lives so much that there are still no security cameras in place on this nuisance property!  -- promises, promises.

Kevins Leisure Travel Club is only a 'stone's throw away' from the infamous Rockland Self-Storage located at 141 Martha Drive.   If you wonder the apartment number or want to know the hours or what any of the businesses charge for their products or services, try phoning the business. The number listed for Kevins Leisure Travel Club is (508) 577-4716.  If you are unable to get through to that number, you could probably request the information from the Rockland Housing Authority at 781-878-4156 or call any of the the on-site Spring Gate property managers. Linda Hamilton and Janet Hamilton can usually be reached at 781-871-2324 or 871-2323 Monday-Friday 9-5 pm.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

More Corruption

Joseph P. Lally Jr., a co-defendant in former House Speaker Salvatore F. DiMasi's federal corruption case, will plead guilty Tuesday to conspiracy, extortion, and mail and wire fraud......