Friday, June 6, 2008

More Empty Promises to Mass. Citizens

Rockland Place Apts. was renovated with tax monies; however, it is still infested with residents not listed on lease agreements, not paying their fair share of subsidized rent, selling drugs on the property, violence. Owners/management continue to illegally encourage low-income residents with disabilities from their affordable apartments. These corporate partners with their high-priced attorneys, have proven to be 'above-the-law'.

These renovated apartments may be financially affordable, but do NOT provide a safe and healthy living environment for residents who speak out against the illegalalities going on in such places. Click on the link above to read more empty promises, that really only serve to empower unethical developers and to provide more government jobs in agencies such as DHCD, Mass Housing, Housing Authorities, and HUD. These agencies are well-rehearsed at avoiding their responsibilities to provide safe, decent, and affordable housing.

Long-time decent Massachusetts residents were intentionally harassed from Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apts., especially when they spoke out against just some of the deceptive tactics of Management. Affordable housing, in Massachusetts, only serves to make developers who pay campaign contributions to Deval Patrick, and previous politicians, richer. It does NOT provide all Massachusetts residents a safe, affordable, or even a decent place to call home. Affordable housing is mostly about our government supporting corporate partnerships and disempowering more low-income individuals, who lose their rights at Rockland Place. Massachusetts agencies fail to hold corporate landlords, who pay campaign contributions, accountable for abuse, negligence, breaches in contracts, fraud, etc. I've witnessed it go on for too many years! (Click on the link above to see more empty promises.)

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