Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Glance Inside Subsidized Housing

MESSAGE TO:  All Residents        FROM:  Janet Hamilton 
DATE:       4/8/2010                       RE: Vehicles
It has come to our attention that there is a possibility that the lug nuts on your vehicles tires might be getting loosened. We are only aware of one incident but felt it important enough for you and families safety to let you know about it. We suggest that you check your tires before leaving the property to ensure your safety. As always we also encourage all residents to keep watch of their neighborhood and to report to the office anyone who you think could be responsible for doing something that is so dangerous. If you should have any questions or concerns please call the Management Office at 781-871-2323. Thank-You
      This notice was sent to tenants at Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apts. in Rockland, Massachusetts.  Janet Hamilton is employed by Cornerstone Corporation, acting as agent for FHRC and property manager of this nuisance HUD subsidized property.  Why aren't there any corporate names listed on this recent notice?

        While residents' lives are threatened, crime at Rockland Place is minimized by authorities.  Management intentionally favors several non-compliant tenants and even rents to those with criminal histories.   They do NOT take effective crime prevention measures on this subsidized property.  Several years ago, new owners and management promised concerned residents the installation of security cameras; but as usual, it was just another empty promise.
        In this latest notice, I especially enjoyed reading the line of how Management 'always encourages residents to keep watch of their neighborhood and to report to the office....'. 
       Let it be known that this corporate landlord/management has a tendency to retaliate against those who 'REPORT' 

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