Friday, May 7, 2010

Desirable Apartment Living for the Non-Compliant

     I was really surprised to discover Connolly and Partners LLC (one of the listed owners of Rockland Place dba SpringGate Apartments in Rockland, Mass.) is an Associate Member of The National Multi Housing CouncilNMHC is an organization that provides leadership for the apartment industry on legislative and regulatory matters, advances research and the exchange of strategic business information, and allegedly promotes the desirability of apartment living.  I would think 'desirability of apartment living' would include the needs of EVERY TENANT, including the disabled and handicapped.

     Because this property manager continues to delay and make excuses for noncompliance of laws and regulations while accepting government funds, tax credits, and rent payments, perhaps the HUD inspector might possibly resolve the issues of missing screens on handicapped apartment patio doors, lack of wheelchair ramps to mailboxes and entrance/exits; poor lighting in common areas at night, unfair parking policies including the lack of handicapped parking spots, criminal activities on property, etc. etc. etc.  Take an honest and hard look at what you're inspecting please!  Some unannounced evening inspections through parking lots and hallways could reveal more non-compliance issues.
      Officials may also want to take an unobjective view of Management's tenant list and compare that with who REALLY lives on their subsidized property, financed by taxpayers and legitimate residents.  Though reported by several tenants throughout many years, these problems continue to exist at this 204-unit housing complex inspected by HUD, MassHousing, Rockland Housing Authority, Cornerstone, Boston Capital, and Connolly and Partners LLC.

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