Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Favors in Government Financed Housing

"It's all about politics," one of the current corporate partners at Rockland Place Apartments dba SpringGate and former executive at Winn, Mr. William M. Connolly, once stated.  This statement was made during a meeting with Rockland Place residents after adding more Rockland Place partnership names to the subsidized housing complex in Rockland, Mass.
     I always wondered what that particular statement meant, but after reading of campaign contributions and special interests, witnessing serious breaches and legal violations allowed on this subsidized property in Rockland, and after following some interesting articles in The Boston Globe, I think I understand.  It's sad and tragic how greed and corruption have taken priority over doing what's ethical and just.
      Former Massachusetts state senator Dianne Wilkerson admitted to a federal judge that she took $23,500 in bribes, saying later that she had pleaded guilty to attempted extortion charges .......
Former Senator Dianne Wilkerson and other officials named in corruption probe .....


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