Monday, January 24, 2011

From Liability to Asset?

January 5, 2011, around 10:45 p.m., police received a 911 call about another crime in progress, (an attempted break-in), at the 'new and improved' Spring Gate Apartment complex, which has a history of unfair, negligent, and abusive practices by Management.

Rockland Place dba Spring Gate tenants, Mr. Conroy, at 63 Hannah Way, and Mr. Smith at 74 Martha Drive, Rockland, were arrested for armed robbery, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest.  Additional charges of armed robbery were added when knives were discovered on both men in the arrest process.

Lt. Zeoli and Sgt. Pigeon of the Rockland Police Dept. did a commendable job under difficult circumstances.  While chasing the suspects through the complex, one of the officers was injured from slipping on the icy pavement in the common area of the HUD subsidized housing complex, mismanaged by Janet Hamilton of Cornerstone Corp. and First Hartford Realty Corp.

With new ownership in 2005, Mr. Wm. M. Connolly promised Rockland Board of Selectman he would turn Rockland Place Apartments from a liability to an asset. Though Rockland Place Apartments may have received surface name changes and billions in government grants to make the place more livable, poor management, shady practices, and crime on this HUD financed property continues.

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