Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Unethical Politics in Subsidized Housing

Verrry interesting!  I just came across this well-written article by Eric Convey, the Managing Editor of the Boston Business Journal, published Oct. 28, 2011...... Real estate magnate Arthur Winn and his Winn Columbus Center Limited Partnership have agreed with federal prosecutors to plead guilty to campaign finance violations and pay fines of $1.5 million or more, U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz's office said Friday.
Winn, 72, of Chestnut Hill, was charged Friday with violating federal campaign laws by using other people to make more than $150,000 in campaign contributions in excess of those allowed by any one individual under federal law. Winn could face up to one year in prison, Ortiz's office said in a prepared statement.
Some of the money used to reimburse donors came from "publicly-subsidized housing communities," Ortiz said in a prepared statement. She added: "Using strawmen and conduits to conceal the true source of campaign funds....  (Read more details by clicking here.)
     This article reminds me of Mr. William M. Connolly, who worked with, or for, Mr. Winn at Faneuil Hall.   At a meeting with tenants at Rockland Place Spring Gate Apts., he responded, "It's all about the politics."  
     Considering what goes on at the subsidized Rockland Place apartments, including the hushed requirement for residents to sign fraudulent documentation, perhaps a more accurate phrase would be, "It's all about the swindle."

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