Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Notice on Common Sense

  • Residents are asked to use some caution and common sense when it comes to landscaping mulch.
  • Be aware of this fire safety issue.
  • Smokers, discard your smoking materials properly.
Just this week, the above notice was posted on the outside entrance door of each building at Spring Gate Apartments by FHRC Management.
     Considering all the major safety issues that need addressing at this subsidized housing complex in Rockland this notice is almost laughable.  At Rockland Place / Spring Gate, people fire guns, workers torch buildings, live-ins get high and commit extreme acts of violence, and unsupervised children set fires.  These are some of the same people this property manager expects to use caution and common sense when it comes to discarding lit cigarettes into landscaping mulch. Makes me wonder where Management's common sense disappearred to.... Perhaps it's under all of their mulch?
     Oh yes, Management's fire safety alert notice reminds me of Chapter 186, Section 21 of the Massachusetts General Laws. It's just another law Rockland Place dba Spring Gate violates. This particular law reads: The landlord or lessor of any residential or commercial property, upon the written request of any tenant or lawful occupant, of any code or other law enforcement official or of any official of the municipality in which the property is situated, shall disclose in writing within fifteen days of such request the name of the company insuring the property against loss or damage by fire and the amount of insurance provided by each such company and the name of any person who would receive payment for a loss covered by such insurance. Whoever violates the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars. A waiver of this section in any lease or other rental agreement shall be void and unenforceable.
     Considering this corporate landlord hasn't had to comply to their annual lease agreement while receiving subsidies and housing tax credits, I'll just bet they're shaking in their boots!

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