Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Trouble Continues at Rockland Place/SpringGate

July 10, 2012, between10pm and 11:59pm:    Rockland Police were called to 93 Martha Drive four different times. First call involved a loud party at 93D.  Second call to police was involving another apartment in the same building for a loud disturbance. Third call involved an allegedly intoxicated woman shouting on the porch of 93E Martha Drive to a crowd of neighbors with threats of a fight. When police arrived the upset woman was advised. Police left and returned around 15-minutes later regarding the same tenant who was out of control in the hallway. All the while an adult male from 92D Martha Drive was creating a disturbance with revving the engine of his vehicle, speeding, and squealing his tires from Martha Drive to John Dunn.

July 11, 2012, morning hours:  Police were chasing alleged armed robbery suspects around the Spring Street area and then continued their search in the woods surrounding SpringGate Apartments, which has always been a convenient place to hide out and evade police.

With new corporate partners, a name change, numerous rent increases, and years of receiving housing tax credits and other monies, property management and government agencies continue to fail the decent tenants residing along Martha Drive and Hannah Way in Rockland, Massachusetts. The pattern of renting to, and protecting those involved in criminal activities is a habitual pattern at this subsidized housing complex. Management prefers evicting residents who report crime on this nuisance property before ever evicting those involved in it.

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