Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Little Accountability in Subsidized Housing

Americans in need of affordable housing go without due to authorities' lack of accountability in government subsidized apartment complexes like Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apts., Rockland, Mass. and other places like it.  Click on the following link to read the Boston Globe article.
*From Chelsea to Springfield, Massachusetts public housing chiefs face little accountability

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Before Voting, Read This!

* Obama Scores Dictator Trifecta | Judicial Watch 
     ............Earlier in the year the government-official daughter of Cuban military dictator Raul Castro proclaimed her country’s support for Obama during a visit to the U.S. .........
    .......... Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, who this week assured he’d vote for Obama if he were from the United States. ......
......Russia’s Vladimir Putin, who has eliminated most elections in his country, monopolized all major media and destroyed the political party system.  ....... Putin has also had his police cronies in Moscow arrest peaceful, legal demonstrators and confiscate, destroy or damage private property.  ........ (Read more by clicking here.)
             Confiscate, destroy or damage private property?  Sounds similar to the tactics used by Management at Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments  when tenants speak out and report illegal activities.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

More Diverted Housing Funds?

Ex-Chelsea housing chief allegedly diverted federal funds, drawing investigation


Around 2:20 a.m. Saturday, September 29, 2012, a woman was heard repeatedly screaming from the door of 93 Martha Drive, "OH MY GOD!  HELP!"   Several police cruisers, fire apparatus, and an ambulance were called to that address again.  This time the cause was for a suspected heroin overdose in the first floor hallway.
     It's been reported, for many years, residents and live-ins habitually distribute illegal drugs in back of, and all around this, and other areas of Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments. Just about every single day this past week, police have been called to 93 Martha Drive due to violence and other activity. It really shouldn't be too difficult for corporate partners to figure out who's not complying with their lease agreement. Duh!
While the HUD REAC inspection never took place at this subsidized housing complex, according to Management's distributed notice, tenants at Spring Gate Apartments received, yet, another notice of inspection.  This fifth notice of inspection, distributed during the month of September, stated the inspection would be performed by Boston Capital and the Rockland Place Property Manager (employed by Cornerstone Corporation and/or First Hartford Corp.)  Congratulations ... This time Management showed up!
(Notice Reads)
SPRINGGATE APARTMENTS, 52 Hannah Way, Rockland, MA 02370, 781-871-2323
September 21, 2012 - TO: ALL RESIDENTS -  RE: INSPECTION
  On Monday September 24,2012 a representative from Boston Capital will be on site at
Spring Gate Apartments to perform an inspection of the property. All areas ofthe
property will be inspected including buildings, grounds, common areas and
approximately 20 apartments which will be chosen at random by the representative on the
day of the inspection. Since there will be no additional notice regarding which units will
be inspected all residents should be prepared.
  The Boston Capital representative will be accompanied by Spring Gate management
staff. Your presence is welcome during the inspection but not mandatory. If your unit is
chosen and you are not home we will leave a notice in your apartment apprising you of
our visit.
  We appreciate your cooperation in preparing for this inspection. Please remember that the
common area hallways must be clear at all times. No bicycles, carriages or other personal
Thank you.  (signed) Janet Hamilton, Property Manager
September 24, 2012 at approximately 10:00 p.m., a male resident from 187B Martha Drive, intentionally disturbed other residents again by screeching and squealing his blue Mustang along Martha Drive.  If Ellen Connolly or Ms. Noble, of the Boston HUD office monitored Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments as they promised, many of these disturbances, and other lease violations might not continue. (click on image below to enlarge)