Saturday, October 6, 2012

Before Voting, Read This!

* Obama Scores Dictator Trifecta | Judicial Watch 
     ............Earlier in the year the government-official daughter of Cuban military dictator Raul Castro proclaimed her country’s support for Obama during a visit to the U.S. .........
    .......... Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, who this week assured he’d vote for Obama if he were from the United States. ......
......Russia’s Vladimir Putin, who has eliminated most elections in his country, monopolized all major media and destroyed the political party system.  ....... Putin has also had his police cronies in Moscow arrest peaceful, legal demonstrators and confiscate, destroy or damage private property.  ........ (Read more by clicking here.)
             Confiscate, destroy or damage private property?  Sounds similar to the tactics used by Management at Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments  when tenants speak out and report illegal activities.

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