Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Good and Bad of Project-Based Vouchers

Michael Kane of National Alliance of HUD Tenants (NAHT) has been busy trying to keep elderly, disabled, and low-income Americans from becoming homeless.  To read about this organization's efforts in preserving affordable housing, and to learn more about Project Based Vouchers (PBV), go here:
    If you'd like to become more involved in the preservation of your affordable housing, don't wait until it's too late, go here:

As for myself, I think housing complexes like Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments feed into an extreme imbalance and abuse of power, unfair housing, human rights violations, and even corruption.  The big-butt corporate landlords at this subsidized housing complex have proven to be above the law with their one-sided lease agreements, retaliations, intimidation tactics, and attempted swindles.
     Residents need to be kept better informed.  Tenants should be able to find out the name of each and every individual involved in the ownership of any subsidized property, along with other data necessary to manage their lives and to better protect themselves. Visit this site:

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

SpringGate Shuffle

    Home used to be a place to unwind, relax, recuperate, and escape from the outside world.  However, 'home' at Rockland Place / SpringGate Apartments feels more like a business enterprise where residents haven't much say on when and who enters the place called 'home'. It appears schemes of getting investors huge sums of government money takes priority over quality of residential life at this 204-unit subsidized apartment complex. 'Home' feels more like an illegitimate office park where various corporate visitors trample through your 'home' several times a year.  It's a place that's become nearly impossible to enjoy any quality of life or privacy.
     Rockland Place residents just received four different notices in 2-days listing various dates for more inspections by more corporate strangers for various reasons.   So if any Spring Gate resident had previous plans on April 9th to use their home for a planned birthday party or other personal event, you'd be out of luck.  Afterall, you might be one of the lucky 20 residents to have another group of corporate strangers walking through your home today, whether or not you're in attendance, and whether or not it's inconvenient.  And, if you're not one of the lucky 20 households chosen to receive unfamiliar visitors today, you won't have the opportunity to know about it until after you cancelled your plans and wasted your day waiting.   
    On April 9, 2014 (today) a representative from FinePoint ___ LLC will be on the property to conduct a compliance review on behalf of Dept. Housing Community Development (DHCD).  Since there will be no additional notice regarding which apartments will be inspected again, all rent-payers should prepare for this visit inside their homes. While you're waiting for these strangers to appear, you can probably twiddle your thumbs and look out your apartment windows to enjoy the "wooded view".  Hopefully, you won't see anyone hanging themselves from one of the trees nearby. 
    Hope you didn't plan on catching a few Zzzzz's on the 9th or 10th day of April.  On April 10th,  Fire Alarm Systems Inc. will be conducting fire alarm inspections and testings in all first floor apartments throughout the property.  All rent-payers can once again enjoy the sound of fire horns throughout the day.  
    Considering some of the previous fires and a disturbed Rockland Place resident who was recently arrested for setting a large fire in Weymouth, keeping halls clutter-free should be enforced throughout the entire year and not just during times of inspections.
 Jon F. Fernald, 44, of 150 Martha Drive, Rockland, told police that he had been a customer at the Amazing Intimate Essentials store at 138 Bridge St. and that he blamed the store for getting him addicted to porn...  (Read more here....)
     On April 24th at 6pm, all residents of Rockland Place and SpringGate Apartments will have another opportunity to meet Mr. 'affordability into perpetuity' Joe Armstrong of Scituate, Mass.  Like a smooth talking salesman, he'll answer your questions in favor of those who write him a check.  Where are those security cameras they promised residents in 2005?  Where are those security cameras they used as a recent excuse to increase subsidized rents?   Several residents wonder why they're not seeing security guards walking around the troubled property.
         To explore some of the unfamiliar names of various housing vouchers mentioned in recent notices, residents may be able to visit the following websites on those old Dell computers in the community room at 52 Hannah Way (if the computers are working):