Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Good and Bad of Project-Based Vouchers

Michael Kane of National Alliance of HUD Tenants (NAHT) has been busy trying to keep elderly, disabled, and low-income Americans from becoming homeless.  To read about this organization's efforts in preserving affordable housing, and to learn more about Project Based Vouchers (PBV), go here:
    If you'd like to become more involved in the preservation of your affordable housing, don't wait until it's too late, go here:

As for myself, I think housing complexes like Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments feed into an extreme imbalance and abuse of power, unfair housing, human rights violations, and even corruption.  The big-butt corporate landlords at this subsidized housing complex have proven to be above the law with their one-sided lease agreements, retaliations, intimidation tactics, and attempted swindles.
     Residents need to be kept better informed.  Tenants should be able to find out the name of each and every individual involved in the ownership of any subsidized property, along with other data necessary to manage their lives and to better protect themselves. Visit this site:


Anonymous said...

Linda Hamilton is oppressive and doesn't care one bit about the RP tenants. Some years ago when idiots started slashing tires and making for slow leaks, I mentioned this situation to Linda Hamilton. Her response was: "As long as they don't touch my car." How repulsive and ignorant for a person in authority of RP to be so callous and selfish!

Anonymous said...

How many lug nuts are on each wheel of a car? Probably 4 or 5 lug nuts for each tire, so about 16 to 20 lug nuts all together. I remember a notice the manager passed out telling tenants to check all lug nuts before every time they used their cars. So if I had to drive to a store for a gallon of milk at night, I would need to get out my tire iron to be sure 16 or 20 of my lug nuts weren't loosened up by some idiots. This crime should be considered attempted murder. If the landlord cared, they would have had better lighting and security cameras installed to catch the jerks.