Thursday, February 5, 2015

Would Government Controlled Internet Be Like Affordable Housing?

     Please take the time to view the video link below of what it might be like should the government and/or favored corporations take control of the internet.  It has similarities to life at Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments in Rockland, MA where corporations and government overstep their bounds to deny American citizens privacy and the right to protect ourselves from those who do us harm.
      Financially needy people do become repeatedly victimized in 'affordable' or subsidized housing complexes, operated by bad landlords who only pretend to care about crime on their nuisance properties.  Some of these corporate landlords have even worked in government offices and promoted programs that would enrich themselves.
        Many government programs are abused and do NOT work.  Instead of uplifting families out of poverty, these mismanaged programs tend to keep people buried in poverty, low self-esteem, and powerlessness. Some programs deny individuals the right to protect themselves from ruthless individuals and corporations who have full access to tenants' homes and everything inside.
      Some people say, "You're denying yourself because you'd get yourself out of poverty if it bothers you so much."  The tools to do this aren't always available for a number of reasons, too numerous to mention in this article. Yes, some people are able to lift themselves from poverty, but the percentage is extremely small. Even some people who work full-time can not afford to rent an apartment.
         Let's take a look at some of the Americans living in poverty.  Minimum wage earners are one group.  Elderly people, who worked most of their lives paid into social security, and may be surviving on an annual income of $13,000 in social security with Medicare paying 80% toward medical bills. For the most part, COLA, or cost of living increases are not realistic with climbing expenses for basic necessities. People in this category may also receive food stamps which would probably pay 1/4 of their grocery bill, if that. Yes, it's better than nothing, but it's often a trade off of certain privacy rights and freedoms.
     There are Veterans, survivors of crime, and citizens with debilitating medical issues (not readily seen) who may be unable to work with any stability due to medical difficulties that interfere with several aspects of life.  Some of these people suffer PTSD or mental health problems like schizophrenia and major depression, etc. These people constantly hear the criticisms of ignorant Americans who disrespect them.  They're treated with contempt and disgust because "they don't get off their lazy butts and hold a job".
      While some American citizens do need assistance, I don't believe the solution is in throwing more tax dollars to unsafe, substandard, subsidized housing where tenants are repeatedly victimized by some property managers and favored corporations.  I think it's time we stop throwing money toward poorly run government programs and think outside the box to come up with better solutions.

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