Thursday, August 20, 2015

Millions To House Sex Offenders

     The criminals benefitting from the perk of affordable housing have been convicted of serious felonies, including rape, sexual assault and lewd or lascivious acts and many of the victims were children. The enraging details of how valuable tax dollars are illegally spent to help criminals was made public in a lengthy HUD Inspector General report published in August 2009.
     Scandal at HUD, a cabinet-level agency that strives to increase access to affordable housing, is hardly a novelty. George W. Bush’s corrupt HUD Secretary(Alphonso Jackson) was ousted for awarding millions in agency contracts to friends who gave him kickbacks on the deals and Bill Clinton’s HUD Secretary (Henry Cisneros) pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about payments to his former mistress. Ronald Reagan’s HUD Secretary (Samuel Pierce) was also embroiled in an influence-peddling scandal that led to the conviction of some of his top aides.  (Read more *)

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