Thursday, October 26, 2017

Holy Porch Monkeys!

    Just rediscovered an article about other abusive management practices at the affordable housing complex, Clarendon Hill Towers in Somerville, MA, where some residents successfully settled in court with the management company.  One of the tenants who hired an expensive law firm to represent her, settled for a lot of money, but also had to sign an agreement that she would not talk about the details of the case any longer.  It seems the details of this complaint also disappeared from public view. Thankfully, I saved a partial copy of some of their abusive practices toward low income tenants which included calling some tenants of color, "porch monkeys". 

    So what did the Democratic Massachusetts Attorney General's Office do when Management was found discriminating, entering female tenants' apartments unannounced, selectively installing a camera by a woman's apartment doorsexual harrassments, destroying tenants' personal property, following tenants outside of the affordable housing complex, etc.?

     The AG not only allowed one of the abusive managers to keep his job at the development, but replaced the management company with an affiliated management company named Cornerstone Corporation.  A lot of good that did when each company commonly practiced abusing select tenants at more than one of their mismanaged housing complexes. You see, each of the selected management companies had the same partner(s) listed on corporate documents during that same time frame. 

     So, on the surface, it looked as though abuse toward low income tenants wouldn't be tolerated. To the general public, it seemed the Democrat Attorney General resolved the problem and justice was served.  Obviously, the resolution was a deceptive one. The problem was merely swept under a rug.  Looks like those campaign contributions and lobbyist fees really paid off for the corporations again!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Rethinking American Communities

* Secretary of Housing, Dr. Ben Carson speaks on the future
I agree with Dr. Ben Carson that HUD programs need to change for the better.

Affordable Housing is not so affordable to any tenant's health when occupancy agreements and laws aren't enforced. HUD, DHCD, and Low Income Housing Tax Credit #LIHTC programs allow for too many respectable, yet vulnerable, American citizens to be abused and violated while corporations and partnerships enrich themselves off of these taxpayer programs. i.e. Spring Gate Apartments, Rockland Place,Rockland + Clarendon Hill Towers, Somerville, MA   ** Watch How Unethical Landlords Retaliate

Have you been threatened by corporate partners or MassHousing to sign misdated or questionnable documents lately?
***     First Hartford Corporation Diverts Funds 
****  First Hartford Threatened by Creditors and Debt

Bad Landlords Take Advantage

I'd sincerely like to know why our government of the United States continues doing business with bad corporate landlords like First Hartford and Cornerstone under the pretense of "helping" low-income people reside in safe, decent (respectable), and affordable housing.  These corporations have a long history of violating people and laws.  And believe me when I say, "I fully recognize their long history of abusive practices."

The link to the following court case, where First Hartford Realty Corp., Linda Hamilton, Jill Ouellette, etc. is nothing compared to some of the illegal, abusive, and unethical behaviors they, and their affiliated partners, have shown to vulnerable tenants over many years.  They get away with violating laws because most good tenants, already in subsidized apartments, are disempowered. (See discrimination lawsuit.) * 

What really bothers me is how it's allowed to continue on through various HUD programs with tax dollars from American citizens.  If you aren't already aware, it's extremely difficult for low-income people to prevail in a lawsuit against politically connected, high powered corporate partnerships who are affiliated with larger corporations, lobbyists, and attorneys.  Most unrepresented tenants in poverty are repeatedly FORCED into mediation rooms to sign bad agreements with these unethical corporations.  Yes, citizens are repeatedly denied trials at Brockton Housing Court and elsewhere.

If these housing programs are truly to assist low-income citizens and not these conglomerate corporations and limited partnerships, then one of my good suggestions would be for the government NOT to hand over tax dollars to corporate landlords for partial payment of tenants' rent. This only enslaves an American citizen and denies tenants their rights to freedom of speech and the right to expect lease agreements to be enforced. Provide the benefit directly to the person in need because government programs have no good purpose when they disempower citizens.
** Video from Federal Housing Finance Agency

The constant abusive practices, in too many of these housing complexes, is a very serious problem. It's worse than outsiders could ever recognize.  The tax dollars provided to these unscrupulous corporations, are used to further traumatize and disempower low-income individuals and families throughout the USA. If HUD tax dollars are meant to assist low-income Americans improve their lives, then why are we in need of corporate middlemen who've already been found guilty of fraud and other serious violations to house citizens?  Certainly, there are better ways to provide affordable housing in our country than this outdated method of enslavement!  Truth be told, low-income people can't afford to "move if you don't like it"(one of property mgmt's. favorite sayings to low-income tenants)

As you can see below, these corporations and limited partnerships intermingle their employees.  These limited partnerships are also listed under a couple of huge HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS who lobby career politicians like @Maxine Waters, etc.  This abuse has gone on long enough and it's time things change for the better.  #DRAIN THE SWAMP! #FinancialWaysandMeansCommittee #Congress #Senate #HouseofRepresentatives
(Click on images to enlarge.)

Jill Ouellette, Janet Hamilton, and others are listed under various corporate partnerships, including Cornerstone, First Hartford Corp, Peabody Properties, etc.


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Mass. Laws, Regulations, and Cases


The link provides pertinent information regarding: Landlord-Tenant [Unfair and Deceptive Acts],  State Sanitary Code Chapter II: Minimum Standards of Fitness for Habitation,  Minimum Square Footage Per Person,  and MGL c. 175 s.99 Clause 15th A - Every policy which insures multi-unit residential property against loss or damage by fire shall provide additional benefits, by endorsement attached to the policy, up to a limit of seven hundred and fifty dollars, without deductible, for each rental unit to cover the actual costs of relocation of any tenant or lawful occupant displaced by fire or by damage resulting from fire.


First Hartford's Ownership Percentage is Nominal

Who are all the underlying partnerships?
First Hartford's ownership percentage is NOMINAL.
(Click on each image to enlarge it.)

 After reading First Hartford Corp.'s 10-Q quarterly report in more detail, we can realize Clarendon Hill Towers in Somerville, MA AND Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments of Rockland, MA both have asbestos inside the subsidized residential units.
This is the kind of "safe, decent, and affordable" housing that  Maxine Waters and other Democrats urge Chairman Hensarling to support with taxpayer dollars. 

Representative Jeb Hensarling
United States House of Representatives
Financial Services Committee

2129 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Chairman Hensarling:
Please don't continue to finance unsafe, indecent housing complexes with abusive corporations and partnerships in place. These corporate landlords have a long history of violating occupancy agreements under government subsidized programs.  Thank you!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Socialism, Easy Targets, Toxic Torts

For 40 plus years, tenants in subsidized housing complexes such as Rockland Place or Spring Gate Apartments in Rockland, MA have signed leases, with NO KNOWLEDGE or PRIOR WARNING by Management, that they would be paying rent to reside in units containing asbestos. 

During these years, many previous and current tenants have suffered negligent and retaliatory practices: "accidental" fires, water damage, asbestos exposure, abuse of personal property, lack of parking spaces and accommodations, deliberate annoyances of existing medical conditions, unannounced visitors inside apartments, etc. etc.  For understandable reasons, most residents have been hesitant in speaking out about such matters.  When tenants stay silent, the abusive practices continue for generations.

Life is difficult enough for people with little income; yet, property managers in such places like Spring Gate and Clarendon Hill Towers, continue to make life more difficult than it has to be for vulnerable residents.  While enriching themselves from tenant income, government grants, and subsidies, corporate landlords who bully, recognize easy targets.

Some residents are contacting this blog asking for attorney recommendations.  We've had little experience with hiring attorneys, but if anyone out there would like to recommend an attorney or law firm, to be posted on this blog, please email your recommendations and let us know why you're recommending them.  Your name will not be included in your posted attorney recommendation.  This blog has a long history of NOT revealing anyone's identity when providing us with information.

Depending on your specific needs, whether asbestos related illnesses, negligence, harassments, lease violations, unfair housing, discrimination, you may want to speak with a competent attorney.  Usually the initial consultations are free.  If anyone wants to recommend an attorney for us to list on this blog, please email your recommendation. Let us know why you recommend a certain attorney or law firm.


Friday, October 6, 2017

Why Do Laws Favor Corporations?

 It appears corporate investors of Spring Gate Apartments or Rockland Place and First Hartford Corp. hired a lobbyist to possibly strengthen their Massachusetts political connections concerning the asbestos problem in the subsidized apartments they mismanage.
First Hartford Realty Corp. $9,250.00
Employed Terminated Details about your lobbyist or entity's efforts
05/12/2017 Representing First Hartford on real estate related matters before the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
First Hartford Realty Corporation (duplicate) $9,250.00
Employed Terminated Details about your lobbyist or entity's efforts
05/22/2017 06/30/2017 Affordable housing complexes and asbestos.

149 Colonial Road Manchester, CT, 06042 US / 860-646-6555

05/24/2017Transportation Boston Benjamin Josephson of 31 New Chardon Street. Traveled from 31 New Chardon Street Boston to Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP round trip via Uber to meet with Neil Ellis, Bill Connolly and Mike Leon.

Salaries Paid
Lobbyist or Entity nameSalaries
O'Neill and Associates$9,250.00
Total salaries paid$9,250.00


These corporate partners from First Hartford Realty Corp. and Cornerstone Corporation really should stop harrassing tenants who have spoken truthfully about evil management practices.