Monday, October 9, 2017

Socialism, Easy Targets, Toxic Torts

For 40 plus years, tenants in subsidized housing complexes such as Rockland Place or Spring Gate Apartments in Rockland, MA have signed leases, with NO KNOWLEDGE or PRIOR WARNING by Management, that they would be paying rent to reside in units containing asbestos. 

During these years, many previous and current tenants have suffered negligent and retaliatory practices: "accidental" fires, water damage, asbestos exposure, abuse of personal property, lack of parking spaces and accommodations, deliberate annoyances of existing medical conditions, unannounced visitors inside apartments, etc. etc.  For understandable reasons, most residents have been hesitant in speaking out about such matters.  When tenants stay silent, the abusive practices continue for generations.

Life is difficult enough for people with little income; yet, property managers in such places like Spring Gate and Clarendon Hill Towers, continue to make life more difficult than it has to be for vulnerable residents.  While enriching themselves from tenant income, government grants, and subsidies, corporate landlords who bully, recognize easy targets.

Some residents are contacting this blog asking for attorney recommendations.  We've had little experience with hiring attorneys, but if anyone out there would like to recommend an attorney or law firm, to be posted on this blog, please email your recommendations and let us know why you're recommending them.  Your name will not be included in your posted attorney recommendation.  This blog has a long history of NOT revealing anyone's identity when providing us with information.

Depending on your specific needs, whether asbestos related illnesses, negligence, harassments, lease violations, unfair housing, discrimination, you may want to speak with a competent attorney.  Usually the initial consultations are free.  If anyone wants to recommend an attorney for us to list on this blog, please email your recommendation. Let us know why you recommend a certain attorney or law firm.


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