Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Greed vs. Those In Need

Let's face it, most housing for low income people is unsafe, indecent, and disempowering.  Between flimsy walls, abusive management companies, extensive paper work and more, a residents life becomes an open book.  Some investors even publish comments about specific tenants should they speak out about unfair treatment or bad conditions!  Besides that, living at bad 'affordable housing complexes' further diminishes most people's self-esteem and rarely advances anyone in life, especially when a housing complex is out in the boondocks with extremely limited transportation.

In order for people with disabilities, the elderly, and the impoverished to be better able to obtain affordable and decent housing and advance their lives, people of all diversities and income levels need to come together and brainstorm outside the usual box.  There needs to be better alternatives than what is available now. These alternatives should include responsibilities where the unfortunate population could learn how to create a budget, how to invest, along with other opportunities to advance lives.  According to the New York Times article, listed below, less landlords are renting to families and individuals with Section 8 vouchers. Landlords feel as though they're not getting enough money and don't want the red tape. 

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