Thursday, August 31, 2017

So Who Can We Trust?

Here's some good reading for you.  I'll just bet you're as surprised as I am to see evidence of more corruption and fraud in a government housing program!  Yes, of course the corruption is by an  'important' housing official who is likely to have access to a vulnerable person's critical, personal information . . .  But most low-income tenants have no right to any privacy anyway.  In most cases, you don't even have a say on what stranger enters your apartment.  A devious or careless property manager has access to your keys.  How many of you ever had a property manager or perverted maintenance man walk inside your apartment without any previous legal notice and without any emergency?  Welcome to the world of socialism, where some empowered individuals CAN and DO misuse their powerful positions and even abuse vulnerable people.

Landlord/Tenant Rights in Mass.

Just came across an article on Landlord/Tenant Rights in Massachusetts and thought you'd be interested in reading the article if you haven't already.

    Another link of interest (which was previously provided on ths site) is the link for FREE information from a Massachusetts landlord/tenant handbook.

 Please keep in mind that certain corporate landlords have court and political connections which quietly grant them special privileges. Of course, these privileges are unethical and wouldn't be listed in this handbook of legalities.

 Some landlords misuse the legal system to harass innocent tenants with medical disabilities from apartments by using years of frivilous eviction proceedings when incitements and other underhanded tactics don't coerce tenants to voluntarily move out.  Just keep in mind, illegal and unethical tactics used by certain corporate landlords probably aren't listed in the handbook.

     Perhaps some previous tenants of Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments, RoxSE Homes, and Clarendon Hill Towers could collaborate and author a book on the realities of unethical and illegal tactics used by some corporate landlords and property managers inside and outside of housing courts?  Were you ever denied a trial in housing court and forced into mediation without legal representation while the corporate landlord had legal representation?  I'll just bet!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Dr. Ben Carson an Asset

Read the recent article on what has already been acomplished since Dr. Ben Carson has been in his new position as Secretary of HUD!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Another dba name for Rockland Place?
Click on the link above to see the newest dba name for Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments. What's that all about? Also, read the earlier May asbestos article below.  Drop an email to: with your comments concerning the recent renovations and your thoughts on the dba name of 'b'nai-b'rith-claymont'.  Maybe LindaHamilton will inform residents as to what it's all about.  (E-Business) P: 617-523-8600
Regarding the 2003 death of Bruce Rozet (as read on the honolulu advertiser site):
    A part-time Maui resident who was implicated in a major federal housing fraud scheme died Thursday after being pulled from the ocean off Kapalua Beach.
A. Bruce Rozet, 75, died despite efforts on the beach to revive him, police said. The cause of death has not been determined.
    He gained notoriety in the late 1990s when the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development accused him of taking kickbacks on inflated management fees. He and a partner had holdings across the country that included more than 21,000 housing units that received annual federal subsidies of $71.6 million.
In 2001, Rozet admitted to taking part in a $3.4 million fraud scheme against HUD and agreed to pay $10.2 million in fines and penalties.
   Mr. Rozet operated several companies and also owned the Rozet Vineyard in Paso Robles, Calif.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Risky Residences

Affordable housing may be hazardous to your health. The (DEP), Dept. of Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA) recently posted notices on entrance doors warning vulnerable tenants of asbestos hazards on the tax-credited property managed and owned by various corporate partners and investors of tax sheltered housing.  It's been reported that all units have asbestos embedded in the bathroom walls. Previous and current dwellers of this Section 8 housing complex weren't forewarned of the toxic and stressful living environment previous to signing a lease. Asbestos damage can reveal itself in the lungs anywhere from 10 to 40 years.  Past and current residents, especially those who survived leaks and/or building fires, and who have difficulty breathing may wish to get a chest x-ray. Watch the recent FOX news clip to know more about the toxic environment at Rockland Place Apartments dba Spring Gate Apts. in Rockland, Massachusetts.

Caution: Tenants who publicly voice their legitimate safety concerns have been known to further suffer retaliation from politically-connected property managers, partners, etc.  Stay strong!

 Extra Links of Interest  *

Recognize symptoms of asbestos exposure.


 Asbestos Checklist  ***

Private Prison Project-8

Upcoming Mass Housing Seminars

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Billions in Bookkeeping Errors Revealed

HUD's Inspector General pointed out 11 material weaknesses, seven significant deficiencies, and five instances of failure to comply with laws and regulations, problems reported for three straight years.

Obama appointee, Julian Castro, served as HUD secretary from 2014 through the end of the Obama administration. Castro was preceded by Shaun Donovan, who was nominated to be the next director of the Office of Management and Budget. 
On March 2, 2017, Dr. Ben Carson was finally sworn in as HUD Secretary.  It appears President Trump's appointee has a lot of difficult work ahead in his new government position.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Millions To House Sex Offenders

     The criminals benefitting from the perk of affordable housing have been convicted of serious felonies, including rape, sexual assault and lewd or lascivious acts and many of the victims were children. The enraging details of how valuable tax dollars are illegally spent to help criminals was made public in a lengthy HUD Inspector General report published in August 2009.
     Scandal at HUD, a cabinet-level agency that strives to increase access to affordable housing, is hardly a novelty. George W. Bush’s corrupt HUD Secretary(Alphonso Jackson) was ousted for awarding millions in agency contracts to friends who gave him kickbacks on the deals and Bill Clinton’s HUD Secretary (Henry Cisneros) pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about payments to his former mistress. Ronald Reagan’s HUD Secretary (Samuel Pierce) was also embroiled in an influence-peddling scandal that led to the conviction of some of his top aides.  (Read more *)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Coming To A Neighborhood Near You

       The Spring Gate apartment complex, also known as Rockland Place, has been in existence along Martha Drive and Hannah Way in Rockland, Massachusetts for about 42-years now. Hedge-fund investors and partners receive Low-Income Housing Tax Credits and billions of dollars in government funds in exchange for lowered rents, more paperwork, and regulations that aren't often enforced according to the HUD Handbook and federal/state laws. 
       This subsidized housing development has been financed and renovated with billions of dollars from HUD, MassHousing loans (with reduced interest rates), grants, taxpayer funds, etc.   The complex holds a total of 204 rental apartments.  193 of these apartments are reserved for low-income tenants who pay 30-40% of their income toward rent payments.  HUD pays the remainder of the rent to the corporate partners who own numerous subsidized properties across the country.         According to police and tenants, this mixed-income, subsidized development has been a hot spot for crime in Rockland, including rapes, drugs, robberies, break-ins, mail theft, fires, beatings, threats, shootings, vandalism, and knife attacks for more than a decade. Except for the first 10 years, Rockland Place has always been a nuisance property, often unsafe and indecent, with violations in codes, human rights, and fair housing laws. 
          Some people have suspected blue collar and white collar organized crime on this property.  Unusual and extra heavy traffic patterns began flowing in and out of this dead-end complex sometime in the 1980's.  In the nineties, peculiar business listings were published in phone directories and online. One listed phone number called an answering machine at So. Shore Voc-Tech. There was never a Mariott Hotel or a Friendly's Ice Cream Shop or even a Rockland Self-storage facility at any residential building on Martha Drive, where cocaine and other drugs were often sold.  So why all the repetitive business listings in this subsidized housing complex, even after listings were reported to corporate mgmt., MassHousing Finance, and government officials?  Perhaps laundering drug money?
               In 2008, Rockland Police Lt., Barry Ashton, explained the ongoing criminal activity to a local daily newspaper, “It’s an apartment complex, and any time you have an apartment complex with a lot of people squeezed into a tight geographic area, you’re going to have problems.”   Ashton has since retired from the Rockland Police Dept. after another police officer was promoted to Police Chief. 
             When Rockland Place first started housing people in 1972, this 'non-profit' property was owned and managed by Edwin D. Abrams.  Sometime in the 1980's, Rockland Place started adding partners like Bruce Rozet of AFC Corporation and Julie Wall of United Housing Preservation.   In 1996, Cornerstone Corporation replaced Abrams Management.  Rockland Place continued in its downward spiral.     
            From  2005,  Neil H. Ellis of First Hartford Corporation and William M. Connolly of the newly established Connolly and Partners LLC were first introduced to residents and added to the mix of additional partners and investors. Residents weren't informed of Boston Capital's involvement until after it was published on this site.  The newer corporate partners promised to clean up the crime and to improve the property's bad reputation by changing the name to Spring Gate
           Deceptive business practices, wastefulness, crime, and substandard living conditions continued.  At least one resident with documented medical disabilities was not accommodated and escaped into homelessness with absolutely no compensation from the government financed corporate landlords.  Other tenants stayed and also suffered losses with personal property damaged during shoddy repairs and renovations.
         Currently, this subsidized multifamily housing complex has about 20 vacant apartments. While rents continue to increase, residents live with pipe leaks and repetitive sewerage backup, asbestos in wall panels, crime and other unsafe conditions, increased apartment inspections by a variety of government agencies and corporations, non-compliance of lease agreements, etc.
         Let's face it, government programs look better on paper than they actually are.  If these poorly managed programs really helped the vulnerable, more Americans would be better able to lift themselves out of poverty and dependency.
        The never-ending cycle of government expansion and dependency continues under President Obama.  He insists on using more tax dollars to build even more subsidized housing in good neighborhoods.   So please remind me ... How does infecting more American neighborhoods with crime and socialism improve American lives?  

*Here's what Dr. Ben Carson thinks on the subject. (external article)

**Who Are the Biggest Corporate Welfare Moochers? (external article)

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