Tuesday, August 3, 2010

United Conflicts of Interest

It doesn't make it proper, but don't most of our politicians have hidden conflicts of interests nowadays?    I mean, how else could Rockland Place Apartments dba Spring Gate get away with what they've been getting away with?
       Another BREAK and ENTER was reported at 82 Martha DriveAnd yes, that really is one of the SUBSIDIZED RESIDENTIAL buildings where another business is listed; I believe a Mariott Hotel and/or Friendly's Restaurant is listed at that address.  If only promises of security cameras were honored by corporate partners and HUD; they might have the evidence needed to stop the crime that takes place on their nuisance property.  So who and what really benefits from tax dollars and tax credits being poured into subsidized housing?

Sunday, July 25, 2010


In reality, Bill H.R. 4868 will NOT preserve SAFE, DECENT, affordable housing for low-income residents in HUD-financed housing.  What makes me say this?    Because, what doesn't exist, CAN NOT be preserved!   For the most part, this Bill would PRESERVE and further FINANCE ghetto lifestyles.  Too many multifamily properties serve as havens for criminal activities.  It will preserve the victimization of innocent residents who continue suffering at the hands of politically-connected, corporate landlords who habitually act in illegal ways.  Yes, this type of corporate landlord really does exist!
        One  example of unsafe and indecent HUD-financed housing is within the deceptive business practices at Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apts. which is run by some anonymous individuals buried within various partnerships, hiding within conglomerate investment firms, with numerous attorneys and political campaign financiers.  Could this be who Barney Frank is really trying to help with this Bill?  For every worded benefit is a loophole or a lawmaker who looks the other way when conglomerate corporations violate individuals, sometimes for 10-years and longer.  How dare our federal government continue to finance criminal acts against innocent citizens under the HUD programs!
     It's my guess that House Financial Services Committee Chairman, Barney Frank(D-MA), is probably more concerned about PRESERVING his job.  To read more about this Bill, click here: http://financialservices.house.gov/press/PRArticle.aspx?NewsID=586

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Unsafe and Indecent Housing

      Violence and drug sales take place on many MHFA and HUD financed properties, maybe because it takes at least 4+ years to install promised security cameras on their nuisance properties. Whether you call it Spring Gate or Rockland Place, addicts and resellers still know where to buy the stuff.  This 204-unit Rockland multifamily complex remains without security cameras and still has no police substation! (Click on image.)
     Another serious incident took place at Spring Gate Apartments on July 20, 2010.  People insist a gun was fired around 7:30 pm at the PLAYGROUNDyet, there was no mention of this shooting in any newspaper article.  There was also no mention of which residents were involved. Rockland Police and an Abington ambulance remained in the area for over an hour.
            Two Rockland males were arrested after allegedly robbing someone at gunpoint during a drug deal at the HUD subsidized Rockland Place, located on Hannah Way and Martha Drive, Rockland, MA.   To read more on this news story, visit the following link.... http://www.enterprisenews.com/news/x550419436/Rockland-brothers-accused-of-armed-robbery-during-drug-deal
     Why are crimes by certain apartment dwellers usually minimized and swept under the government-funded carpets? Why do government agencies, Rockland Place hedge fund partners and management offer false hope and security to vulnerable Spring Gate residents when more funds are to be had?  They PRETEND to want resolve to ongoing crime issues by using the same cycle of inadequate procedures. All the while, corporate partners collect higher rents and tax credits, and political campaigns receive larger 'contributions'.  Somehow, quality-of-life for concerned and vulnerable low-income citizens gets lost in the shuffle.  In private, officials answer legitimately concerned residents with snide comments like, 'there are worse places to live', AND, 'you can always move if you don't like it'.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Corrupt Politician List

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today released its 2009 list of Washington's "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians. http://www.judicialwatch.org/news/2009/dec/judicial-watch-announces-list-washington-s-ten-most-wanted-corrupt-politicians-2009

Here's one in Massachusetts.
Wilkerson - Boston.com Local Search

Favors in Government Financed Housing

"It's all about politics," one of the current corporate partners at Rockland Place Apartments dba SpringGate and former executive at Winn, Mr. William M. Connolly, once stated.  This statement was made during a meeting with Rockland Place residents after adding more Rockland Place partnership names to the subsidized housing complex in Rockland, Mass.
     I always wondered what that particular statement meant, but after reading of campaign contributions and special interests, witnessing serious breaches and legal violations allowed on this subsidized property in Rockland, and after following some interesting articles in The Boston Globe, I think I understand.  It's sad and tragic how greed and corruption have taken priority over doing what's ethical and just.
      Former Massachusetts state senator Dianne Wilkerson admitted to a federal judge that she took $23,500 in bribes, saying later that she had pleaded guilty to attempted extortion charges .......
Former Senator Dianne Wilkerson and other officials named in corruption probe .....


Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Wednesday, 6-23-2010, an Inspector from Boston Capital, the syndicator of the Tax Credit program, was on site at Rockland Place dba SpringGate Apts.  Though only ten apartments were inspected, ALL RESIDENTS were warned by Management to be prepared for another inspection.
      Most certainly, Management continues to appreciate tenants' cooperation in not speaking out, and is ever so sorry for the serious inconveniences to their tenants' lives (as long as their corporations and numerous limited liability partnerships continue getting their Tax Credits and State and Federal funds).  Hopefully, tenants will remember to check their lugnuts each and every time before exiting this chaotic housing complex for a Safe and Happy Summer!

One separate inspection from each agency and corporation total 4 to 5 likely inspections each year.  So tenants must again drop all plans and be prepared!  With MassHousing, HUD, Rockland Housing Authority, Boston Capitalproperty management and head of maintenance 'performing' so many 'annual' inspections, I'd think Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apts. would be more appropriately managed.  How many years have tenants had to deal with faulty fire alarm panels and loud alarms seriously disrupting lives while Tyco-Simplex Grinnell continue to allegedly repair and inspect their installed system?  

Oh well, at least SpringGate children, ages 2 to 12 yrs. old, FINALLY get a playground to play in.  It beats playing in the midst of violent assaults and SpringGate traffic! 

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pirates in the Palace

'SpringGate Apts.', officially known as 'Rockland Place', and sarcastically nicknamed 'The Palace', continues to run false and misleading advertisements while rents are raised.  Ads boast 'luxurious living' at this government subsidized housing complex.  Other ads for these residentially-zoned apartments continue to claim 141 Martha Drive as a self-storage facility.  Mark Stahley of MassHousing removed previous business listings at this same address; however, the false ads continue to be placed.  Considering what I've witnessed and experienced on this tax-credited property, the self-storage facility and other business listings likely serve some illegal purpose. It's a hedge fund haven for greed and havoc.  Individual investors continue to hide behind various corporate and partnership names.

On May 25, 2010, about fifteen legitimate residents attended the rent increase meeting with questions that received little or no definitive answers. .... Nothing new about that.
      One tenant asked if this corporate landlord planned on reinstalling the speed bumps which were removed  during renovations several years ago. Residents were concerned to hear about two children recently struck by a speeding vehicle inside this housing complex.  Speed limit signs have been missing for years now.  Or maybe they're just faded and illegible, like their handicapped parking signs.

      On the morning of the rent increase meeting, around 7 a.m., police received an emergency call.  Seems someone's black car, with New Hampshire plates, turned into a boat.  The car disappeared from SpringGate's luxurious guest parking lot and was found in the moat or murky waters below.  The unleveled and unpaved patch of land usually holds 6-8 cars.  If a 2-foot, concrete, retainer wall were in place, it could have acted as a barrier to the stream to prevent such mishaps.... Or maybe SpringGate Apartments plans to also advertise the luxurious amenity of underground parking?