The notice clearly states they will use their pass key to get inside your apartment if you don't respond to their knock. You must have your pets caged from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for 3-days because you may receive a random visit. This pre-inspection is in preparation for an actual REAC inspection in July 2018.
There will be more articles written on this blog to inform puzzled residents some of what these 'inspectors' look for when they visit the property.
* A Housing Complex in Charlotte, NC fails REAC inspection (maybe they didn't hire a lobbyist?) (outside link)
So many tenants are growing frustrated with having to open their homes to numerous strangers. Residents are being extremely inconvenienced with extensive paper work and too many visits from managers, owners, investors, state, and federal employees. At least one resident had to vacate their home for 4-5 months out of 1-year due to an asbestos problem that seemed to disintegrate after Neil H. Ellis and William M. Connolly of Connolly + Partners and First Hartford Corp., etc. etc., paid a lobbyist to talk with a Massachusetts official. There once was a time when only one apartment inspection per year was required and maybe 2 maintenance visits which was more reasonable and humane. I think most residents know when something in their homes need repair. They probably even know how to phone the office to notify maintenance/management that they need a repair. Imagine that!
If you think it's no big deal to have numerous strangers visit your home at inconvenient and numerous times each year, then you've never had to live with such upset and chaos.
@MollyParkerSI #MollyParker @POTUS45
If you think it's no big deal to have numerous strangers visit your home at inconvenient and numerous times each year, then you've never had to live with such upset and chaos.
@MollyParkerSI #MollyParker @POTUS45