Monday, June 10, 2019

Heroin Seized in Section 8 Housing

It's certainly not the first time heroin and other narcotics have been seen, sold, and abused in government subsidized housing along Martha Drive and Hannah Way in Rockland, MA. Though this particular news story is from March 2016, illegal drug deals in this housing complex have existed since the mid 1980's while this property continued to receive housing tax credits and other government funds. 


Monday, March 11, 2019

SMOC Rental Assistance Programs

Program Description/Services

SMOC: South Middlesex Opportunity Council Rental Assistance provides rental subsidies to income eligible families in 37 communities. Each month designated payments are made on behalf of tenants directly to their landlords. Rental assistance vouchers allow families to rent in the private market and apply a subsidy to their rent. With this assistance, residents are able to pay approximately 30-40 percent of their income toward rent, with SMOC RAP paying the remainder. Each rental unit is inspected annually for compliance to HUD quality standards and Department of Housing and Community Development requirements. When necessary, the program acts as mediator and liaison between tenants and landlords. Call (508) 620-2335 for more information.
Wondering why some residents at Spring Gate Apts. in Rockland, MA apply for fuel assistance when tenants don't need fuel assistance; all utilities, including fuel, are included in rent payments.  Please remember, there are Massachusetts residents who are truly in need for such a program, but when the program is misused and abused, people in genuine need suffer.

Do you have further questions about your type of housing in Massachusetts?  If so, read the Department of Housing and Community Development Administrative Plan here:   **

Saturday, March 9, 2019


I just read something interesting from Ben Carson's Facebook page and realize Dr. Ben Carson will NOT be leaving H.U.D.(So there's hope yet!)  You can FOLLOW him at the link to his Facebook page.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Corruption is a Difficult Fight

Dr. Ben Carson started with HIGH HOPES for the H.ousing U.nder D.rugs program. (The following article at the highlighted link is an interesting read.)


But now it looks like ethical Ben Carson may be stepping down from his position when his 4-years as Secretary ends. Can't really blame him; it's a corrupt housing program that is known to support corporations who deliberately violate fair housing laws and human rights of vulnerable tenants.  Truth be told, HUD is a gov't program that enriches some dirty corporations who pay some empowered people to look the other way when violations occur.  Sad to say the HUD website has been filled with deceptive statements about SAFE, DECENT, and FAIR HOUSING ever since Bill Clinton was President, and probably before then.  

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Greed vs. Those In Need

Let's face it, most housing for low income people is unsafe, indecent, and disempowering.  Between flimsy walls, abusive management companies, extensive paper work and more, a residents life becomes an open book.  Some investors even publish comments about specific tenants should they speak out about unfair treatment or bad conditions!  Besides that, living at bad 'affordable housing complexes' further diminishes most people's self-esteem and rarely advances anyone in life, especially when a housing complex is out in the boondocks with extremely limited transportation.

In order for people with disabilities, the elderly, and the impoverished to be better able to obtain affordable and decent housing and advance their lives, people of all diversities and income levels need to come together and brainstorm outside the usual box.  There needs to be better alternatives than what is available now. These alternatives should include responsibilities where the unfortunate population could learn how to create a budget, how to invest, along with other opportunities to advance lives.  According to the New York Times article, listed below, less landlords are renting to families and individuals with Section 8 vouchers. Landlords feel as though they're not getting enough money and don't want the red tape. 

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Whose Pockets Are Being Lined?

I just finished reading a very interesting article written by , entitled The Corrupt Politics of Low-Income Housing.  If you want to know the truth behind low-income housing, this article, published by 'reason, free minds and free markets', is a MUST READ. 

'The rent is too damn high—so each year Congress appropriates billions of dollars to address the nation's collective housing needs. The programs vary from loans to tax credits to straight-up subsidies, but a common feature is that federal taxpayers pony up the dough and then a motley collection of state-level politicians, financing agencies, and housing authorities decide how it's spent.'

 Click the link below to understand why and how corruption gets out of control in this type of taxpayer funded housing. It's outrageous! 

Wells Fargo Rips Off Customers + Breaks Laws

U.S. House Committee on Financial Services:  July 2, 2018 -- WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, in response to the Federal Reserve’s approval of Wells Fargo's capital plan to increase dividend payments by 10 percent and spend up to $24.5 billion on stock buybacks, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Financial Services, made the following statement:

“I am troubled by the Federal Reserve’s recent decision to approve Wells Fargo’s capital plan to handsomely reward its shareholders, including the megabank’s senior executives, despite engaging in a never-ending list of illicit activities. In recent years, the bank has opened 3.5 million fraudulent credit card and deposit accounts; engaged in illegal student loan servicing practices; charged inappropriate checking account overdraft fees; conducted unlawful mortgage lending practices, including overcharging veterans for refinanced loans; charged customers for auto insurance policies they did not need, which resulted in some customers losing their vehicles; and improperly sold complex financial products to retail investors.

“To date, no one has gone to jail for these crimes. While the bank was ordered to pay $1.5 billion in fines, these fines amount to the cost of doing business. Wells Fargo still racked up profits of $21 billion in 2016, $22 billion in 2017, and nearly $6 billion in the first quarter of this year, as the largest bank to benefit from the Republican tax law.

“I was pleased when the Federal Reserve, under former Chair Yellen, issued a cease and desist order in February to cap the megabank’s size until it cleans up its act. However, the Federal Reserve’s recent decision undermines that tough action and sends a terrible message by agreeing to let the bank pay out 141 percent of its expected annual earnings, the largest payout of the six largest U.S. banks. The bank’s executives should not be rewarded when the bank repeatedly rips off its customers and breaks the law.”

The Federal Reserve’s approval of Wells Fargo’s capital plan was conducted through the agency’s 2018 Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR).

In 2017, Ranking Member Waters introduced the Megabank Accountability and Consequences Act, which requires federal prudential banking regulators to fully utilize their authorities to shut down megabanks that repeatedly harm consumers and hold culpable executives accountable.

In 2017, Waters also released a Democratic staff report detailing a pattern of abusive business practices by Wells Fargo, as well as a Democratic staff report documenting the successes of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under Director Cordray, including penalties imposed on the bank for secretly opening fraudulent accounts. 
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Fake residents, incomes, + inflated mortgages

Another scandal in multifamily housing:  It appears there could be a deep, dark secret at the core of multifamily lending that could destroy the market. 

From a Wall Street Journal article:  
 Owners of an apartment complex near Pittsburgh, who wanted to take out a mortgage on the buildings, allegedly made vacant units look occupied by turning on radios, placing shoes and mats outside doors and in one instance having a woman tell inspectors her boyfriend was asleep inside.      . . .  

According to the WSJ article, the investigation has already led to an indictment against four individuals for allegedly conspiring to falsify loan information in order to obtain more than $167 million in multifamily loans.  The article provides extensive details to some pretty brazen fraud allegations involving the loans backing approximately $1.5 billion in mortgage securities issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. (Read more; click housing wire link.)