Friday, July 4, 2008

More Group Assaults in July 2008

July is getting off to another safe and happy start inside the subsidized Rockland Place Apartments dba Spring Gate (prison facility?) dba government subsidized housing complex in Rockland, Massachusetts. Though violence amongst residents and live-ins continue, there are still no promised security cameras in place to deter crime and traffik. Another group beating took place near 83 Hannah Way this first week in July 2008.


Anonymous said...

Hello - I'm writing on behalf of my friend, whose children live at Spring Gate apts with their mother, and he is very concerned about their safety, as he believes there is an unauthorized parolee living on the premises in their subsidized apartment. I'm reaching out to the blog author to see if you can contact me to provide more info about whats going on down there. Its eveident from looking at police logs and in speaking with local residents that this is a horrible place for children, and he's looking to gather some info about the complex in trying to get his kids out of there.
Thank you so much in advance.

Anonymous said...

There are a few people with violent drug and arrest histories with an ex-conn living there that I know of. Do you have a certain building or specific apartment inquiry or info?