Tuesday, July 1, 2008

MassHousing Supports Fraud and Violence at Rockland Place Apts.

MassHousing is a state agency that supports the development and preservation of affordable rental housing even when fraud is involved.

New and old investors reap further financial benefits from affordable housing hedge funds. While unaccountable corporate partnerships receive more rent increases granted by MassHousing, and receive LIHTC (low-income housing tax credits), violence continues at Rockland Place Apts. dba Spring Gate. No promised security cameras were ever installed at this 204-unit housing complex to help reduce crime.

In June 2008, at least 2 violent incidents took place in front of 140 Martha Drive. To make matters worse, qualifying and legal residents usually go through repeated and frivolous eviction proceedings when they question the illegal and unethical behavior of Owners and Management. These corporate owners are often allowed to breach annual occupancy agreements and have denied qualifying residents their fair right to continued affordable housing.


Melissa said...

On fri 7/11/08 nick peirrera started a and they took his money. he hit the boys then ran into the fight with 13 yr old boys it all started when nick asked them to get him and his mom crack they took his money he started the fight and all the young boys jumped in nick ran into the house and grabbed a knife and began chasing every1 thats when he got hit with the rock and if he didnt some1 would have gotten stabbed

Anonymous said...

Melissa is the girlfriend of the main attacker that attacked him with rocks and broke his jaw in three places along with 4 other people ranging in ages from 19-13.Give me a break they say they are innocent but they needed 5 of them. The poor kid who was attacked was harrased by these individuals for some time just like they do to anyone who trys to stick up for themselves. No knife was found at the scene. How can we believe the girlfriend of Armando Oliviera who also assaulted a police officer in 2007. Really nice people do that, right. People need to wake up and realize that rockland place is a horrible place to live for people who actually work hard for a living and try to make the right choices in life.
And Melissa will come back and make up lies because she uses and abuses the system like most of them do. She is one that also harrases people there.Somebody needs to grow up!