Sunday, July 26, 2009

Spring Gate Specials

MONDAY, 7-27-09 from early afternoon through evening hours: Officials from Rockland Police, Sheriff's Dept., Bureau of Criminal Investigations (BCI), and State Police inside building 81 Hannah Way to investigate another crime on this subsidized property. Still, this corporate landlord has not kept promises to install security cameras for crime reduction.

SUNDAY, JULY 26, 2009
12:00am: Police called for attempted break & enter at 91 Hannah Way. Locked bedroom window to first floor apartment pried opened from outside while resident inside.
9:45am: Police were called to 191B Martha Drive concerning a child, approximately 1-yr.-old, wandering alone in the common areas of Spring Gate Apts.
9:50am: Fire dept. and maintenance called due to a faulty smoke detector at 187D Martha Drive.

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