Thursday, September 17, 2009

Nancy Pelosi's Weepy Concern for Violence

Several residents at the HUD subsidized Rockland Place Apartments have felt similar to Nancy Pelosi for many years while having to actually witness violence in courtyards!  It's troubling to read of HUD's phony anti-drug rhetoric.  It's troubling because it reminds me of the violent drug debates taking place inside the 204-unit subsidized housing complex.  There are still no promised security cameras.

HUD falsely claims they offer safe, decent, affordable housing.  Safe, decent housing is not where children wake up distraught and terrified from sounds of violent screams outside their windows.  I still recall the blood puddles, unconscious body, ambulance lights, temple stabbing incident, and hear the echoes of gut-wrenching screams from people hit by rocks, bats, beer bottles, and slashed with a sword in HUD subsidized drugged-up housing.

I wish our government truly cared where the hell they house low-income people and children. I wish enforcements and standards were higher in multifamily housing.  I wish housing developers and corporate landlords really had to comply with laws, regulations, and occupancy agreements while enriching themselves with taxpayer dollars through HUD.   Would someone please pass Ms. Pelosi a tissue?

Read story by Associated Press Writer, Laurie Kellman

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