Sunday, February 7, 2010

Another Memo

     Management at Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apts. notified residents that alarms on 2nd floors will be tested by Simplex Grinnell.  How comforting to learn of so many suits against this particular alarm company!  Makes me wonder why anyone would hire them to install or inspect anything.
     Click on this line to read about an insurance company winning an $83,436 judgment against Grinnell in a case involving a failed fire protection system at a nursing home. Another insurance company sued Grinnell charging that their fire protection system had activated, but failed to operate properly causing the system’s pipes to burst and flood the buildingRead the FPC Newsletter by clicking here.
From: Janet Hamilton, Property Manager
February 3,2010   Re: Fire Alarm Testing 2nd floor apts.
On Monday February 8, 2010 the fire alarm testing company Simplex Grinnell accompanied by maintenance need access to your apartment to test the alarms. They will begin work at approximately 8:30 AM and continue until a1l 2nd floor apartments are completed. They should only need 10-15 minutes per unit. You do not have to do anything to prepare for this. You do not need to be home for this.
If you live on the 1st or 3rd floor you are receiving this memo as notification as to why the alarms are going off.  We apologize for the inconvenience. Please call the Management Office at 781-871-2323 if you have any questions.

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