Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Open-Ended Notices to Enter

MEMO TO: All Residents  DATE: January 26, 2010
FROM: Janet Hamilton, Property Manager  RE: Repair Work
Beginning the week of February 1, 2010 the maintenance staff will need access to your apartment for repairs to your medicine cabinet. They will begin work at approximately 9:00 AM and continue until all apartments in your building are completed. They should only need 15 minutes per unit. You do not have to do anything to prepare for this. You do not need to be home for this. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please call the Management Office at 781-871-2323 if you have any questions.
Corporate management of Rockland Place continues providing open-ended notices to enter residents' apartments.  So if you have a night job and sleep in the day,  management and maintenance may walk in your unit from February 1st thru _____?  Your guess is as good as mine.   So don't get too comfy in your subsidized home because Ms. Hamilton and Rockland Place don't necessarily have to comply with laws.

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