Sunday, January 13, 2013

Disregard for Residents with Disabilities

Thursday, 1/10/2013: around 12:05am,  93 Martha Drive, police were called due to a tenant with life-threatening medical issues being harassed by other tenants.
Thursday, 1/10/2013: around 5:00pm, a woman at 45 Hannah Way was harassed by other tenants.  Property manager and police were called.
Sunday, 1-6-2013: 100 Martha Drive, tenants were harassed by other tenants.  Attempted forced entry.
NOTE:  There are times when police aren't called because residents are told by Rockland Police they "can't do anything about an incident unless Police see it happen".  For this reason alone, this well-connected corporate landlord should keep their promises to install security cameras in common areas.
A typical pattern definitely continues to exist at Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments where households of tenants with legitimate medical disabilities get harassed.  In November/December 2012, another disabled resident became upset when her access was blocked on Hannah Way.   Since 1996 to present, residents living here with disabilities are often harassed and intimidated by other residents and even by Management.  Isn't it time for those in authority to finally put a stop to the illegal activities at this subsidized housing complex in Rockland, Massachusetts?  It has become an all too familiar pattern to disregard the rights of certain households.

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