Sunday, January 13, 2013

Another Forced Entry

Friday, 1/11/2013: forced entry with malicious damage to door and other property at, and inside of, 63 Martha Drive, 2nd floor, Rockland, Mass.  Police were called; searched premises and surrounding area with Police dog.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your very informative writings about Rockland Place/Spring Gate Apartments. I just recently obtained an application knowing all too well that it had its share of problems but I never imagined to the extent it is !!!! After reading your blog going all the way back to 2011 I think it is safe to say that I have SHREDDED my application and will continue my hunt for housing FAR AWAY FROM Rockland Place/Spring Gate Apartments !!!! THANK YOU

Anonymous said...

I've lived there for about 7 years now. Its only been bad in the last 2 years. They have hired security, hopefuly it will reduce some of the problems. Its the people they are moving in. Not all of us are bad people. And to whoever rights this blogs you seem very miserable living here. Have you thought if maybe moving.