Tuesday, May 28, 2013

How Many Rotting Apples Do Our Hedges Hide?

How Many Rotting Apples Do Our Hedges Hide?
Questionable Business Practices

  • Why do hedge-fund investors, partners, and the on-site property managers at Rockland Place Apartments dba Spring Gate tell tenants that First Hartford Realty Corporation (FHRC) is managing the 204-unit subsidized housing complex in Rockland, Mass. when Connolly and Partners, LLC is listed as manager? 
  • Tenants have been told by Management that Rockland Place Apartments was renamed to SpringGate Apartments; yet, there are no official documents listed with that new name on the Massachusetts Secretary of State's website.  Neil Ellis, another investor of that property, prefers to use the name Rockland Apartments in his annual reports for First Hartford Corp.  Why?

Monday, May 20, 2013

Renters Beware!

Gee, the abuse and mistreatment of  tenants from Cornerstone Corporation at Pleasant Plaza Apartments or Malden Gardens reads like it could've been a review of Management's abusive behavior at Rockland Place or Spring Gate Apartments in Rockland, MA and even the mistreatment of tenants at Clarendon Hill Towers in Somerville.
       Cornerstone Corporation of Westwood, Mass. is known for not having to comply with The Fair Housing Act on numerous subsidized properties. First Amendment Rights for low-income residents would be abolished if it were up to people at Cornerstone.   They have quite a history of retaliating against tenants who dare exercise their American rights.  From deliberate destruction and theft of tenants' personal property to numerous frivolous eviction proceedings, Cornerstone and associates will go out of their way to violate any vulnerable tenant voicing a legitimate concern.  Obviously, deliberate acts of abuse and oppression by corporate landlords in subsidized housing doesn't really matter to HUD or MassHousing. 
      MassHousing recently announced a loan closing of $26.5 million at the 236-unit Sherwood Village apartment community for senior citizens at 145 Mill St., Natick.   As a condition of the loan, Fairway Estates Limited Partnership, an affiliate of Cornerstone Corp., which owns Sherwood Village, will seek to extend its federal Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract and the affordability on 235 apartments for the longest term possible - typically 20 years - when the current HAP contract expires in February 2014.  As part of the refinancing, a number of capital improvements are expected, including intercom panel system upgrades, refurbishment of pumps connected to common area sprinklers and some minor HVAC work.  Read more: http://www.metrowestdailynews.com/business/x715752696/Business-Digest-for-05-03-13#ixzz2TrReICid

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Loaded ?

Yesterday, May 11, 2013Rockland Police were called at approximately 3:45pm for a found gun.  Yes, children from Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments, playing in the wooded area behind 51 Hannah Way, discovered another gun.  The previous gun, found along Martha Drive, was loaded. (Read archives.)

     All residents should have received the Spring 2013 SpringGate Newsletter by now!   No word on how often to expect its sporadic publication though.  By the way, there was no extra notice attached to the newsletter from the Rockland Sewer Dept., as the newsletter read there would be.  A meeting to plan some community gardening was mentioned.

     According to Management, a new security company called U.S. Security Associates Inc. began monitoring the property on May 7, 2013.  Hopefully this security company will be more useful than the previous security guard who hung out with resident drug dealers, drank, and slept on the job.  Of course, security companies may be limited to clean up crime by those who hire them.  Afterall, it wouldn't be the first time Management set up a sense of false security for decent residents while allowing those with criminal histories on the property. -- Seems these corporate landlords are more determined to keep cameras out of common areas than guns and needles.