Tuesday, May 28, 2013

How Many Rotting Apples Do Our Hedges Hide?

How Many Rotting Apples Do Our Hedges Hide?
Questionable Business Practices

  • Why do hedge-fund investors, partners, and the on-site property managers at Rockland Place Apartments dba Spring Gate tell tenants that First Hartford Realty Corporation (FHRC) is managing the 204-unit subsidized housing complex in Rockland, Mass. when Connolly and Partners, LLC is listed as manager? 
  • Tenants have been told by Management that Rockland Place Apartments was renamed to SpringGate Apartments; yet, there are no official documents listed with that new name on the Massachusetts Secretary of State's website.  Neil Ellis, another investor of that property, prefers to use the name Rockland Apartments in his annual reports for First Hartford Corp.  Why?

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