Sunday, May 12, 2013

Loaded ?

Yesterday, May 11, 2013Rockland Police were called at approximately 3:45pm for a found gun.  Yes, children from Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments, playing in the wooded area behind 51 Hannah Way, discovered another gun.  The previous gun, found along Martha Drive, was loaded. (Read archives.)

     All residents should have received the Spring 2013 SpringGate Newsletter by now!   No word on how often to expect its sporadic publication though.  By the way, there was no extra notice attached to the newsletter from the Rockland Sewer Dept., as the newsletter read there would be.  A meeting to plan some community gardening was mentioned.

     According to Management, a new security company called U.S. Security Associates Inc. began monitoring the property on May 7, 2013.  Hopefully this security company will be more useful than the previous security guard who hung out with resident drug dealers, drank, and slept on the job.  Of course, security companies may be limited to clean up crime by those who hire them.  Afterall, it wouldn't be the first time Management set up a sense of false security for decent residents while allowing those with criminal histories on the property. -- Seems these corporate landlords are more determined to keep cameras out of common areas than guns and needles. 

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