Thursday, August 27, 2009

Benefit for 3-year-old Girl with Brain Tumor

Third Annual Elizabeth’s Motorcycle Run took place Sunday afternoon at Players Sports Bar and Restaurant, VFW Drive, Rockland.
TO DONATE:  Sovereign Bank in Randolph
c/o Elizabeth Taylor Kulikowski Fund
301 North Main St., Randolph, MA 02368
All proceeds to benefit the Kulikowski family.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Playing with Fire

Monday, August 24, 2009, around 10:45pm: Rockland firefighters quickly responded to another fire alarm at 100 Martha Drive, Rockland, MA.  Kids were loitering in the first floor hallway before the alarms sounded. According to the fire dept. it smelled like candles had been burning.  Property management was notified again. (See July's incident.)  
Some parents and management have not done enough to resolve this ongoing problem. Good fire prevention measures NOW, may save another Rockland Place child from becoming scorched.  Promised security cameras installed in common areas would deter some fire setting and other crime.  Hopefully, property owners will install them before they have to collect
on fire insurance policies again. This reminds me of one of the laws these Lessors violated: Chapter 186, Section 21.  (Several of our good photos showing fire setting and other violations have mysteriously vanished from this blog.)
Thought for the day:  More tax dollars for badly-run multifamily housing developments won't help those in need of safe, decent, affordable housing. 

Friday, August 21, 2009

HUD Plagued with Indecent Housing

The scandal-plagued government agency that oversees housing spends more than $12 million a year to illegally provide homes to thousands of lifetime registered sex offenders, many convicted of raping children.

Although Congress banned federally subsidized housing for serious sex offenders more than a decade ago, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) still gives the taxpayer-financed perk to about 3,000 serious sex offenders banned by federal law from receiving it.

Scandal at HUD, is hardly a novelty. * Read more details on The Judicial Watch Org. blog.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Special Interests in Government - videos

President shifts focus to renting, not owning - The Boston Globe
Using $4.25b to build affordable housing - August 16, 2009

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See and hear what Barney Frank really said (contradiction to what he said in The Boston Globe) : ******

Investing more tax dollars in affordable housing doesn't always benefit the less fortunate. This is far from what HUD and politicians promise Americans! Watch corruption -

Has our country been underhandedly sold out? Who is really running our government?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Effective August 1, 2009, Change 3 to HUD Handbook 4350.3 Rev. 1, makes numerous clarifications and changes regarding income, live-in aides, and pensions. It completely revises Chapter 9 (Billing and Special Claims) for property owners to comply with TRAC 202C requirements. Actually, I have to wonder why HUD bothers to change any rule or regulation when they lack enforcement. Perhaps President Obama will need to appoint a Czar to enforce HUD Regulations? (wink)

Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC)
Read about the new income limit provisions from H.R. 3221 - HERA.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Spring Gate Specials

MONDAY, 7-27-09 from early afternoon through evening hours: Officials from Rockland Police, Sheriff's Dept., Bureau of Criminal Investigations (BCI), and State Police inside building 81 Hannah Way to investigate another crime on this subsidized property. Still, this corporate landlord has not kept promises to install security cameras for crime reduction.

SUNDAY, JULY 26, 2009
12:00am: Police called for attempted break & enter at 91 Hannah Way. Locked bedroom window to first floor apartment pried opened from outside while resident inside.
9:45am: Police were called to 191B Martha Drive concerning a child, approximately 1-yr.-old, wandering alone in the common areas of Spring Gate Apts.
9:50am: Fire dept. and maintenance called due to a faulty smoke detector at 187D Martha Drive.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Truth in Advertising

Become a resident and open your business in our subsidized housing complex. Have a live-in? Have pets? Have a criminal history? Need an under or oversized unit? Let's see if you qualify!
Rockland Place dba Spring Gate Apartments
52 Hannah Way, Rockland, MA 02370
781-871-2323 / 781-871-2324 - Toll Free(800) 935-0329 x4443
Still managed by employees of
Cornerstone Corporation, joining forces with:
FHRC Management Corporation **SECTION 8 WELCOME**
Affordable housing family community recently renovated with wasted tax dollars. On site laundry facility and management office. Terms and Specials 12 month lease (as long as you keep our secrets).

Move on in next month to enjoy the following property features and amenities: ..... Pull up our lovely window shades and enjoy the scenic view of ex-cons, repetitive traffic, and the dancing flames of an occasional fire. Come nighttime, enjoy the sounds of our favored drunkards and druggies as you stroll our common areas in darkness. Take a relaxing blood bath. Enjoy the non-compliance! Hear the pitter patter and bang of rocks against your windows. See and feel what happens after reporting our lease violations.... Hear management's favorite quotation, "Move if you don't like it!" Get smoked from your unit! Suffer a flood! Sign misdated and fraudulent documents or spend your life in a courthouse! Have your personal property damaged by our contractors or 24-hour maintenance! Let us interfere with, and interrupt your life next month while you pay a portion of our ever-increasing rent.... Enjoy the view of our insufficient, open-ended notices so we can enter your unit whenever we want to. Lose your rights! Lose your freedoms! Lose your quiet enjoyment; then lose your mind!

Aaaaaahhhhh, home sweet subsidized prison facility!

.... And politicians claim Americans need more of these 'family developments'? No thanks.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Repetitive Risks at renovated Rockland Place

Time is long overdue for Management to step up and take immediate and effective action regarding the ongoing safety concerns. When it comes to risking lives of residents, Rockland Place Apts. dba Spring Gate needs to do more than simply send repetitive warning letters.

Thursday, July 23, 2009, an alert and considerate resident notified the fire department and neighbors of gas fumes. When firefighters arrived, a bicycle stored in the hallway was in the way and a motorbike was discovered inside an apartment at 100 Martha Drive.

Repetitive hazards on this subsidized property include: firesetting, grills on patios, cluttered and obstructed hallways, darkened common areas, gas-powered equipment and motorbikes stored inside wooden-structured apartment buildings, etc. Spring Gate's property management is fantastic at obtaining rent increases; if only they could be as competent in enforcing rules and regulations.