Tuesday, June 21, 2011

America for $ale / Heavy Hitters

 Disgusting!  ..... (I can still say that, right?) ......
       The National Association of Realtors represents the nation’s real estate industry. While the bulk of its issues tend to deal with property management and control, the group also lobbies members of Congress and the administration on virtually every issue facing business, including health care reform, bankruptcy legislation and tax cuts. One of its biggest issues in recent years has been a move toward deregulating the financial services industry. For years, real estate agents have successfully warded off attempts by banking interests to delve into the sale and management of property. *One of the keys to the group’s success: It supports Democrats and Republicans almost equally.
    According to the Center for Responsive Politics Barney Frank (D-MA) is at the top of their list.  **http://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/recips.php?id=D000000062&type=P&cycle=2010&sort=A&state=MA

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