Monday, June 20, 2011

~~In My Humble Opinion~~

     As American consumers, we are losing our rights and protections.  When corporations and lobbyists contribute money to political campaigns, laws quietly and slowly change to favor corporations.  As Americans, we deserve the right to know who we're really doing business with.
     Nowadays, it's not enough to simply know a company or partnership name.  Those names are too easy to come by, and too easy to change.  Villains and perverts hide behind, and use, several different business names; they dba, invest, create mergers, hold shares, and partner.  A business person, clerk magistrate, judge, or lawyer, with a history of unethical practices, should not be left empowered.  Certain employment positions make it easier to anonymously harass, take advantage of, and even stalk individuals. Through corruption, inaccurate credit reports and light reprimands for wrongdoing, the consumer remains disempowered.
     Some regulations and laws are known to aid and protect wrongdoers.  For example, when twisted corporate property owners/management remain in charge of a subsidized property, they have easy access into a person's personal life and cause great harm. Liberties and protections for American consumers should always be a main focus of concern whenever any amendment is made to any regulation or law. Consumers need effective enforcements, fairness, and justice; not more loopholes in more laws to benefit the perverted.
     Now, more than ever before, Americans need to remain aware.  We need to have the right to know every individual's name behind every business name and affiliation, especially when a business has access to our personal information.  We need to be aware of who we're really doing business with, who we further empower with our money.  Without this information, we remain vulnerable.  Without this, American citizens lose their right to freedom and choice.

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