Thursday, June 9, 2011

Unethical Spectacles

Are you being harrassed by call centers, law firms, debt collectors, or corporations?  It's true; some unethical people in powerful positions are extremely abusive and deceptive. Whether they're doing vengeful favors for their corporate affiliates, greedy, or just take great pleasure in abusing their power, some of their illegal practices have been uncovered.  *In the near future, we plan to post information in regard to some of these reprimanded law firms, appointed court personnel, and abusive corporations on record.  Perhaps you'll notice some of the same CEOs or employees associated with other business listings or titles.
     Why are these parties, including white collar criminals, allowed to remain in business?  *Does the punishment they receive actually fit their repetitive crimes against vulnerable people and society?  Couldn't a political campaign contribution serve the same purpose as a bribe?  Why are abusive people allowed to keep their appointed and powerful positions?  Are some financial corporations really too big to fail?
     If you have any additional stories you'd like to share with this blogger, please drop an email.  In the meantime, it might be of benefit for all consumers to take some action and visit the following site:

“It does not take a majority to prevail….but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men.”  --Samuel Adams

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